Tuesday, December 16, 2014

failing at momhood

There was something about today, as if today was intended to be a difficult day for mothers. I don't know what was in the air but I know I wasn't the only facing my limit of sanity with my kids today! I saw and spoke to 4 or 5 different moms today and witnessed their frustration with their kids who were driving them bonkers! 

I used to think that my kids made me upset or made me yell at them. It was their fault I was in a bad mood. I still often want to blame the naughty little stinkers for all the frustrations in my day. But when it comes down to the plain truth, my kiddos are just helping to expose my very own weaknesses. Yes, I raised my voice and was short with my kids today. I lost my patience more than once (ok, more than 4 times) with them today. Were they angels? No. Far from it! But I was by no means an angel in how I handled their behavior today either!

I've seen this phrase a few times and every time I do, I just want to raise my hands and say, "TRUTH!"
Every. Single. Day.

But let me tell you something that was shared with me many years ago and that I shared with a dear, dear friend today. 

When we look at our failures as moms and add up all things that we're messing up, we have to make sure we include God's grace in the equation. That grace goes a lot farther than you might think!

Goodness, mommies, we are trying our best to do right by these little gifts that God has given us the privelege to raise! And although perfection is a long, impossible way off, our hearts are in the right place, striving to go the right direction. I am convinced that God sees our heart, despite our failures. 

And I know He gives moms that extra measure of grace. You know how I know?

Because in my mind, I remember my mom being pretty much perfect at her job of momhood. But in her mind, I know she still reflects back on her failures and what she might have done differently. And that combination right there, my dear friends, is the result of grace.

And if you think you are all alone in this "failing at mommyhood" thing. Believe me, you're not! I am right there with you, along with a whole bunch of my mommy friends. 

So keep striving, moms! As long as you're seeking his will as a mom, God's got you convered.


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