Sunday, December 14, 2014

the strength within

Over the past couple of years I've realized something about myself: I am strong. Not necessarily physically strong, but mentally and emotionally strong. And as a woman, that is an valuable thing to be.

When I was younger, I wasn't mentally or emotionally strong. I was extremely sensitive. I was very shy. I was plagued with fears, nervousness, and anxiety. That was a tough world to live in, especially through Jr. High and High School. Fortunately for me, God put some crucial people in my path so that I could survive amd eventually climb over many of those walls. 

Looking back nearly 20 years ago (oh my goodness...I feel so old right now) to when I was in high school, (no offense to those of you who have been out of high school longer than me, it was just a sudden reality check) I was a completely different person. But a lot can happen in a couple of decades.

Moving away from the security of home
A broken heart
Shattered self esteem
Severe anxiety
Sickness and death of people I love
Loss of friendship
Feeling like a failure
Sacrifice of self
And about 20 other very personal things that you don't want to hear about.

As I sit here and think through some of the most difficult times that I have experienced, I realize that God was moving in every single one. He never let me walk through a tough situation without teaching me a valuable lesson, the most important one being that I could make it to the other side of a tough situation!

I have had a few tough things thrown at me lately and wondered how I was surviving. In the past I would have wanted to crawl in bed and not look at life at all (because avoidance is the best way to handle real life...) but not these days. I have been through enough now to know that God's got this. He'll pull me through, even when I'm pretty sure I won't make it. 

He has grown me into a stronger woman, one who can look at this world and all it's terribleness and I can say, "I got this." But only because I am not handling it by myself.

Ok, this was too cute not to share: 
Go be strong.


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