Thursday, July 31, 2014

a kind word

Today I was given a compliment and it completely brightened my day. So later in the day, and not even necessarily on purpose, I did the same thing. I gave a compliment to someone who immediately told me that they needed to hear those words. 

Your words have value. What you say to someone holds weight for them. You can change a person's entire day with just a few uplifting words.

If you have something nice to say, say it. Interrupt a conversation to tell someone that their hair looks beautiful. Stop someone walking by to tell them that you like their style. Send your friend a text to let them know that you appreciate their cheerfulness or their thoughtfulness or graciousness. Tell your mother that her wrinkles are beautiful. Let your child know that their artwork is the the most amazing thing you've seen. 

Don't hesitate. That person needs to hear your words. Go ahead: make their day.


By the way, you have a beautiful smile! 😄

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

invested friends

Yep, I'm back! I went on a most wonderful visit to Canada to spend time with my husband's side of the family. I was spoiled by some amazing cousins and aunts and uncles. And I took a mental break from everything!! If you missed me, I'm sorry! If you didn't miss me, then I'm not sure why you're reading my blog right now....

Over the past few months I've realized a valuable thing about friendships. Something that I probably should have realized a lot sooner than now....but I guess better late than never!

I noticed that all of my close friends are different from each other. I guess I don't necessarily get close to a specific type of person. But you know what all my close friends have in common? They take time for me. They are interested in me. They like me because I am me (not sure on the grammar there, but I think you get it). They don't like because because of what they can get from me or what I can can give them or do for them. They have chosen to make me an important part of their life. 

Do you understand how valuable that is? Non-conditional friendship. They like me despite my failings, even when I do stupid things. They pick me up when I fall and listen to my complaints and frustrations. I don't have to pretend because they aren't judging me. I can be myself comfortably because I am secure in our friendship. 

And you know what that type of friendship does for me? It makes me want to go above and beyond for those people. To show them just how much I appreciate their gift of friendship to me. 

Oh boy. I just made another connection. Here goes: 

You know, I think many people are mistaken in the aspect of our relationship with Christ. He's not looking to get anything from us. His relationship with us is not conditional on how great or perfect we are. His gift, his relationship (through salvation) has never been something that can be earned. He gives it simply because we ask.

And we don't have to repay Him by being perfect. We don't have to repay Him at all! 

But, a truly grateful heart will want to go above and beyond for Him, just to show Him how much His gift means to them. 

Wow. Deep stuff for a jet-lagged mind at midnight. I'm quite certain I hear my bed calling my name!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My parents taught me many great lessons as a kid. Sometimes they would talk me through a situation. Other times they taught through example. I was very fortunate to have two parents who had their heads on straight and who always inclined their ears to God.

Both my parents were very hard workers. Dad had a job or two or three. My Mom did an excellent job as a housewife and mother and then eventually as a librarian. 

But it wasn't just in employment that they did their hard work. It was in everything. When they helped out a neighbor or volunteered for their churches or our school. If someone was in need, my parents were there. And they were always giving their best for whomever needed them. 

That's hard to come by these days. People have a bunch of excuses: they don't have the right skills. They are selfish with their time. They have no desire to be helpful. They are too busy (that sounds like me!) They don't have enough money to give.

I have been fortunate to have a few very close friends who give of their time for me (and others) on a regular basis. These people, along with my parents, constantly remind me of the value of giving yourself to others. 

Now this is just my opinion, but I happen to think it's a good one:
I don't believe that God created me so that I could get everything I ever wanted out of life, always thinking only of myself. I believe that I was created to give. To do for others. To sacrifice my time, money, and effort for whomever God points out to me.

Acts 20:35 "Jesus said: it is more blessed to give than to receive."

I know this is more easily said than done. But I think it helps to start looking for needs and then start fulfilling them. My parents were great at that. Someday I hope my kids will say the same thing about me.


Monday, July 21, 2014

i'm with God

I questioned this today.

I looked at my failures and shortcomings and told myself that surely I'd never be more than what I was. 

And in that instant, I put limitations on God.

How stupid could I be?!

My God, He's huge. He's amazing. He does great things with people who allow Him to do so.

Me? I'm unworthy...all by myself. But, I'm not by myself. I'm with God. He's working in me and through me and who am I to stop Him by telling Him my limitations?!

You wonder what your purpose is? Why you are here? What you can do with this life you are living? I wonder that about myself too.

But let's stop. Let's just put our faith in the fact that a God knows. Let's trust Him to work it out how He wants and when He wants.

That's a whole lot easier than taking that responsibility on all by ourselves.

But we can rest assured knowing that there IS a plan and that Someone has got it all figured out for us. I'm glad He's in charge, because I would mess up the entire plan!


20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. 
Ephesians 3:20-21

Sunday, July 20, 2014

becoming me

A few years back I made a realization: I didn't know who I was outside of being a wife and especially being a mom. There is nothing wrong with finding your identity in being a wife and mom. But for me, a part of me was missing.

So you know what I did? I began to search out who I was and started becoming her. 

I embraced my piano playing again.
And started teaching piano lessons.
I started a small business. (Very small - I don't have time for anything but a teeny business!)
I took a leadership role in our local MOMS Club.
I became a CrossFit trainer.
I ran my first (and currently only) half marathon.
I started substitute teaching.
I got in the habit of saying yes to risks and adventures instead of always saying no.
I worked at developing new friendships.
I became more open, honest, and out-going with people.
I started writing music.
And started this blog.
I took more chances and ended up with great memories because of those choices.

I looked at who I wanted to become and then started.

Often times I was pushed outside of my comfort zone. Talking to people I didn't know. Being a leader when I used to have no confidence. Taking on challenges that I knew could possibly fail. Saying, "Sure, why not?! That could be fun!" Sometimes it was hard work. Some things took a lot of time. Physically I've pushed passed limits that I had put in front of me. But more importantly, mentally I became stronger. 

I decided it is more fun to live life taking chances and experiencing new things than to do the same ol', same ol'. The memories I will have. The stories I will tell. And I kinda figure that the more experiences I have in life, the more ways and options God can use me in someone else's life.

I'm still not exactly who I want to be, but I figure that's going to take a lifetime to accomplish. And that's okay with me - it'll be fun getting there!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

mental pictures

When our family goes for a bike ride, my husband usually takes the lead, the kids are in the middle and I always take up the rear. The mommy in me wants to make sure everyone crosses the street safely, that no one falls down, and that I keep my eyes on them at all times.

But I have realized that I rather enjoy riding in the back of the pack. I get to go at a leisurely pace and watch my kiddos riding along in front of me. Those little legs just peddling along. My son doing his little jumps up the curb. My daughter's hair streaming behind her...

I'm often told by the older generation to enjoy this time with my kids as they will grow up and be out of the house so quickly. So I do. 

In moments like these I take mental pictures, not just of the images of my kids, but the emotions that I feel as I watch them. I want to remember what my little ones look like, but also the feelings that only a mother can have toward her beloved children.

Perhaps that's how one "treasures these things up in her heart," as Mary did...


an amazing privilege

A dear friend of mine posted a status update on Facebook today. She mentioned losing a few of her friends over the past few weeks. One of which she sat with as the friend passed on to heaven. What an amazing person to be at death's door with a friend. It brought to mind something I've been meaning to share but just hadn't done so yet. I guess I was just waiting for the right time.

When my Dad was sick, eventually we knew he wasn't going to live here on this earth much longer. We resigned ourselves (with much emotion) that we were on our way to saying our good-byes. While Dad was still at home in his bed, sometimes I would just go and sit with him to give my mom some much needed respite. I would spend a night or two also, so that my mom could sleep without worrying about him trying to get out of bed. He had the determination, he simply no longer had the strength.

During these times, I feared that I might be the one who was with him when he died. I even voiced it out loud to my Mom that I had no desire to be there when that happened. Perhaps I was worried that it would make death too real. Or bring me face to face with "the other side." I don't know exactly why, but it left me a bit creeped out to even think about it. 

My Dad ended up in a hospice house. It was a beautiful place. If I'm not mistaken, my Dad was there about 10 days. My husband and I spent Easter Sunday there with my Mom. My Dad was mostly incoherent. We went to a brunch that they were serving. It was April 8th.

On April 9th, in the evening, I called one of my brothers and asked that he go with me to go visit Dad. It was an urge I had to follow. He drove me the 40 minutes it took to get there. My Mom was there, she rarely left as we knew he was nearing the end. 

My brother and I sat on opposite sides of my Dad as his breathing slowed. At one point, my Mom left to get a nurse because there was so much time between breaths. She walked out of the room and my brother and I watched my Dad's chest. It stopped. It didn't start again. 

After a pause my brother looked at me and said, "He's gone." 

I started to cry. My brother told me, "Right now, Dad is up in heaven getting his crown." 

At that moment, I was given a little glimpse of what heaven will be like. I felt like I was at the back of a crowd, a crowd that was cheering loudly and joyfully for the man who had just arrived and was getting his crown of jewels. 

My Mom says when she walked into the room, I was sobbing with the biggest smile on my face. The emotion that I was feeling was truly out of this world. A mix of earthly sorrow and heavenly joy.

What a gift!

What a privelege.

(Even as I write this, I can feel my breath being caught up in my chest - you ever had that feeling?!)

God knew what He was doing when He prodded me to go visit Dad. He wanted me to experience the privelege of having a dear saint pass from this earth to God's incredible heaven. It was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. 

I was standing at heaven's door. And it was amazing.


(Found this just this afternoon in a drawer somewhere, after I had decided to write this post. That's my Dad.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

taking a break

Today I tackled a huge project. I am turning the small bedroom downstairs from a chaotic, messy, drives-me-crazy playroom to a (hopefully) well-organized school room. There was a lot of stuff to pull out of that room. 
This is how my family room looked after I had pulled out all the junk and stuff. This is also where my stress level got to overwhelming and I didn't want to work on the project anymore. That is not a good place to be!

My mind wrestled with whether to leave it for another day or just run on in and tackle it. Usually, I can tackle but today I was really struggling with a lack of motivation. So I compromised.

I went into the bedroom I had been cleaning, sat in the empty closet (away from the chaotic mess in the family room), drank the rest of my ice tea and watched YouTube videos for about 30 minutes.
Sanity restored!  

That small break allowed me to relax and laugh (because YouTube has tons funny stuff!) and to give my brain a break from the task-at-hand (because to be honest, there was no way I would have left that mess in the family room - NO way).

The cleaning project ended up taking me over 4 hours total, so I think I did deserve that break. But the end result was worth it:
There are still a lot of little things to get accomplished but now it all seems manageable.

And now my family room looks like this:

I don't know about you guys but sometimes my list of things to do seems consuming. And I feel guilty if I'm not working on it. But you know what? I've discovered if I give myself a break once in a while, cut myself some slack, and allow myself to relax guilt-free, I can focus better on getting projects finished and not giving up on them.

Besides, if Jesus took breaks to rest, I think it's okay if I do too...

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
  • KC

Monday, July 14, 2014

monday giggles

I don't know about you, but I could sure use a few smiles to get through the rest of this week! It's going to be a busy one, (as if that's different from any other week for me).

Here's a few giggles coming your way:

I'm not sure why I am surprised when this still happens to me.


I'd agree with that!

Um, yes. I've been a teacher and I've seen the grossness. Ew.

I know I'm not the only one...

My lack of energy at 6:00 AM has nothing to do with how late I stay up. You early birds are just crazy! 

Ummm, this might have come out of my mouth once or twice. Maybe.

Ok, continue on enjoying your week!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

me, myself, and i

I'll be honest, (because I usually am), I can be a pretty selfish person. When I buy McDonalds, I take the largest container of fries for myself. (Sorry, kids!) If there is any chocolate in the house, I have no problem eating the last piece. I don't let my daughter borrow my clothes, much to her chagrin (but that's primarily because she's only 8 years old!) I'm kind of apprehensive about loaning out my truck because...well, because it's mine and I kinda love it. And sometimes when I go to Starbucks, I don't buy anything for the kids, not even a cake pop! Just my own strawberry iced tea. So selfish.

But the truth is, if I were to dig down deep on many of the choices I make in life, chances are pretty good that I am seeing how the decision would be beneficial to either me to my family. It's the human side of me; the sinful, selfish side.

Recently I was reminded of this concept: what if I looked at everything I was given as belonging to God? The fact of the matter is that it does all belong to Him. He has given it to us to see how we can use it to benefit others for Him.

And to take it one step farther: what if we walked into every situation in life with the attitude of "what can I give here?" instead of "what can I get?" 

We weren't created for ourselves. We were created to be used by God to help grow His kingdom. You know why? Because His kingdom is spectacularly awesome. And He decided that someday He'll let me in. And if He is willing to let a forgiven stinker like me in, then out of gratitude, I will give of myself to do what He has asked of me to help direct others in the same direction.

And if that means I have to loan out my truck....*sigh*.... I will.


Philippians 2:3

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

best vacation: camping

I'm camping. 
Not roughing it. I don't do that. We've got a comfy lil trailer and it's filled with food and drinks. It's got a bathroom and clean towels as well as running water (hot water) and there is even wifi here. 
Not roughing it...

And this time I get the bed all to myself! Although I miss my hubby being here with me. 😢. 

Camping is great. Kids are outdoors, getting dirty, getting injured, (getting exhausted!) and I am sitting around with my family eating way too much food and playing games with the nieces and nephews. Breakfast always has eggs and bacon and Mom always has a fresh pot of coffee going. We have good conversations and laugh a lot. We go on walks and play catch with the kids (frisbee, football, baseball, whatever they want to play). We read books, take naps in the sun, and simply enjoy God's creation.

All that is great. 

But my favorite part about camping is leaving everything else back at home. There is always a to-do list at home. Routines, chores, schedules, responsibilities. It never ends. Even getting the three of us ready to go today was stressful! But I knew once we arrived, all would be good. 

Because as much as I love my home and the life we live there, sometimes it gets crazy and ridiculously busy. Getting away gives me a rest so I can jump whole-heartedly back into the craziness. Even if I do smell like a campfire.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

future worry

I realized over that past few months that something great changed within me. I'm not sure when it happened, but I guess I'm just realizing it now! 

I used to stress terribly about the unknown, the future, about things completely out of my control. I mean, it consumed me. Doctors appointments, getting poked with needles, sick children, traveling anywhere, meeting new people, going somewhere by myself, big tests, job name it, I could figure out some way to worry about it. 

I will tell you from experience, that is a terrible way to live! There was never any relaxing. I was always thinking of the next thing to stress about. I had to come up with every worst case scenario and plan for each one so that I would be prepared to handle whatever came my way. Talk about no fun! 

I'll admit, every once in a while a worry will still nag me and not leave. And there are some big things in life that can be consuming. 

But I no longer sweat the small stuff. 

I'm guessing it's been about 7 years ago when I really realized just how much was out of my control. And how much it was all in God's control.  When I looked back at all I had been through in my life and how He had handled everything with His mercy and grace, I had to start handing over my worries and my cares. 

Now my thought is this: He's carried me this far, so I have no reason to doubt that He'll keep carrying me now.

Which reminds me of a funny cartoon I saw on Pinterest:
That is the truth, I tell ya!!

Share with me your favorite verse about Jesus taking care of your worries. I have had multiple verses pop into my head as I wrote this!


Monday, July 7, 2014

missing out for fear's sake

I wrote a post last night. It was fantastic. I had another sentence or two to write but needed to come up with something witty. I closed my eyes and my screen darkened. I opened my eyes a minute later and unlocked my screen only to find that the entire post was lost! 😩 I was too tired to try again so, alas, no post yesterday. I'll try again today but I'll remember save it after every sentence. 

This Fourth of July was great. Every year we host a little shindig with my family and a few friends. The backyard fills up and the dads (my big brothers) do their best to splash as much water out of the pool as possible doing jack knives, cannon balls, and the preacher's seat. The food is always plentiful and delicious amd the desserts are never ending (which reminds me, I forgot to hand out the red, white, and blue popsicles!) 

Every July 4th is highly anticipated by my currently 8-yr-old daughter, but not in a good way. She can't stand fireworks or firecrackers. Once it gets dark, she sits in the house and watches a movie so she doesn't have to hear the noise.  We light off fire crackers and the kids do sparklers and throw those loud little popping things at everyone's feet. And her fearful little self misses out on it every year. 

This year was the first year I pushed it with her. Just a little. I explained that she was missing something fun by staying in the house. But I further explained that I didn't want her to look back one day and regret not coming out to watch the fireworks. And perhaps this year she could put on Daddy's noise-canceling headphones and watch.

And she did!! 

And she was SO excited!! She started out sitting behind the whole group but eventually she was right there on the sidewalk with sparklers and wanting to light some firecrackers herself! It was so neat to watch the happiness on her face as she watched the firecrackers for the first time. 

Makes you wonder: how often do we avoid God's pushing and prodding because of fear? He's behind us telling us how much we'll enjoy it and we are too afraid to take a step forward. And when we finally do, we wonder why it took so long to go in that direction?!

That God of ours, He sure does know what He's doing. Now if we would just listen to Him the first time! 

Saturday, July 5, 2014


I've been around these parts for over 30 years (these parts being earth). That is 30 + years of making choices and decisions that have impacted my life up to this point. That includes not only the good decisions, but the bad ones as well. 

When I look back at the choices I made when I was in my teens and then my twenties and up into my thirties, I'll admit that there are some that I regret. Stupid choices made in immaturity. Decisions where I followed my selfish desires and ignored my mind and gut all together (honestly, I would dare say that selfishness was at the root of pretty much every stupid choice I have made so far.) 

Here's the thing: I might regret my decisions, but I don't live in that regret. And I don't let that regret run my life. 

I learn from the stupid choices and their results so that I don't make them again. That doesn't mean I'm always successful, but I try.

Those choices have shaped who I am today, a wiser and better woman because of what I took away from each instance. 

But perhaps the biggest reason I don't wallow in regret is because I was given the promise that if I confessed all my selfish, stupid choices and gave them over to God, and if I asked for forgiveness, He would wipe every last one of them off of me and I'd have a fresh start all over again. 

Do you know how good that feels?! If you don't, I just wanna reach out and shake you and tell you that it is the most freeing and amazing thing to lift that weight off of your shoulders and hand it on over to Jesus. 

And the simple way to achieve that weight loss is to ask.


Friday, July 4, 2014

just for grins

I So, I had this great idea for a blog post last night. I started pre-writing it in my head earlier in the day. It was going to be a good, strong, serious post.  Then last night I sat on the couch and by 9:30, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. That's a little unusual for me, to say the least, so I took that as my body's way of telling that I needed some rest and went directly to bed!

But I didn't want to leave you without something on this fantastic Fourth of July (quite possibly my favorite holiday), so here are a few smiles to start your day!

If this doesn't bring a smile, my friend, then you are way too mature for me...

Silly is good.

I have no words for this picture. None.

Ain't that the truth!

This one always makes me giggle. 

This has happened a few more times than I'd like to admit!

When life was less complicated, you know, when I was 4 years old!

I hope you have a wonderful Fourth if July, my friends!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

a quick date

My husband and I have been married for nearly 14 years.  Our anniversary is next week. I think 14 years is great, in this day and age. Sure, we haven't reached 25 or 40 years or any of the great milestones, but I think 14 years should get some applause. 

Tonight we went on a date. We have a friend who watched our son while our daughter went overnight to a friend's house. We went big! We went to a little place in Modesto, shared a pound of steak fries with ranch and BBQ sauce, and listened to live Celtic music (not our preferred listening pleasure, but that's what was playing.) We didn't have any deep conversations (the fiddlers and flute player were a bit loud), but we talked (loudly) about this and that and gave each other reasons to laugh. 

There was nothing phenomenal about our date, but at one point I leaned in close with a big smile and told my husband that I was having a great time. 

How valuable to take time away from the house and find a reason to have a good time together! And it didn't cost us anything but gas money (okay, that was costly - all the way out to Modesto) and the price of a basket of fries! 

Reconnection is important, even if you don't spend a lot of money doing so. And even if you have a limited amount of time to spend with your spouse, that time will prove valuable. If we have the opportunity, we take it. 

I'm telling you, a pound of French fries and a bunch of laughter make for a great date.  ❤️


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

fear no more

Okay, so I'm not going to look all of these up to confirm the number, but I have spent enough time in the Bible to know that He covers fear in there. The reason I know is because I lived a great deal of my life in fear in my younger years.

In my elementary years, I spent a lot of my time being anxious, nervous, and shy. I had stomach aches constantly. My parents were very caring and prayed for me often, but I was a fearful kid. I didn't have a lot of friends. My brothers were quite a bit older than me so I really didn't have a sibling to get close to either. 

In my high school and college years, my fear turned into an anxiety disorder. It was debilitating, to say the least. It discouraged me from trying new things. I always had to have an escape route, no matter where I was. I wouldn't go to anything if I didn't have a friend with me. The fear of an attack consumed my life. Honestly, for a while there, I only drove in the slow lane of the freeway: easy escape. 

Since I couldn't figure it out on my own, God decided to teach me how to live my life with less fear. He gave me kids. When you become a parent, you no longer get to think solely of yourself. You have other beings to care for. You have to do things for them even when you don't want to or don't think you can! 

He also taught me a lot when my Dad died. I was scared of so many things, including death. But after being in the room with my Dad as he passed on to heaven, I'm not scared - heaven is going to be incredible!  And He changed my perspective on why I am here: not for myself, but for His purpose. How can I accomplish his purpose if I am being ruled by fear?

I might still have a few fears that tend to control me either out of habit or because I carry some baggage, but I am definitely a different person who no longer lets fear run her life. I follow promptings, no longer ignoring Him. I take more chances and enjoy more things in this life because I am not dominated by fear anymore. It's very freeing. 

"Do not be afraid"  - there's a lot to be afraid of these days, but the fact of the matter is God's still got it under control. He's bigger than the fear I hold onto - He's God!!