Wednesday, July 16, 2014

mental pictures

When our family goes for a bike ride, my husband usually takes the lead, the kids are in the middle and I always take up the rear. The mommy in me wants to make sure everyone crosses the street safely, that no one falls down, and that I keep my eyes on them at all times.

But I have realized that I rather enjoy riding in the back of the pack. I get to go at a leisurely pace and watch my kiddos riding along in front of me. Those little legs just peddling along. My son doing his little jumps up the curb. My daughter's hair streaming behind her...

I'm often told by the older generation to enjoy this time with my kids as they will grow up and be out of the house so quickly. So I do. 

In moments like these I take mental pictures, not just of the images of my kids, but the emotions that I feel as I watch them. I want to remember what my little ones look like, but also the feelings that only a mother can have toward her beloved children.

Perhaps that's how one "treasures these things up in her heart," as Mary did...


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