Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My parents taught me many great lessons as a kid. Sometimes they would talk me through a situation. Other times they taught through example. I was very fortunate to have two parents who had their heads on straight and who always inclined their ears to God.

Both my parents were very hard workers. Dad had a job or two or three. My Mom did an excellent job as a housewife and mother and then eventually as a librarian. 

But it wasn't just in employment that they did their hard work. It was in everything. When they helped out a neighbor or volunteered for their churches or our school. If someone was in need, my parents were there. And they were always giving their best for whomever needed them. 

That's hard to come by these days. People have a bunch of excuses: they don't have the right skills. They are selfish with their time. They have no desire to be helpful. They are too busy (that sounds like me!) They don't have enough money to give.

I have been fortunate to have a few very close friends who give of their time for me (and others) on a regular basis. These people, along with my parents, constantly remind me of the value of giving yourself to others. 

Now this is just my opinion, but I happen to think it's a good one:
I don't believe that God created me so that I could get everything I ever wanted out of life, always thinking only of myself. I believe that I was created to give. To do for others. To sacrifice my time, money, and effort for whomever God points out to me.

Acts 20:35 "Jesus said: it is more blessed to give than to receive."

I know this is more easily said than done. But I think it helps to start looking for needs and then start fulfilling them. My parents were great at that. Someday I hope my kids will say the same thing about me.


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