Wednesday, September 17, 2014

miserable cow (because that is an awesome title, i think)

Augh! That miserable cow syndrome! It drives this overly optimistic gal crazy. I can almost always find the good in a situation. Or if I can't see the good, I know that in the future, God will bring beauty out of the ashes. He always has, so why should I doubt that He will in my future?

But, the merciful side of me understands that sometimes misery can't be helped. People go through some pretty terrible things in this life, and the lack of smiles on their face could be due to something we might not ever understand. 

I know there have been times when I've been caught up in an undercurrent of negative feelings that I can't seem to pull myself out of to breathe. My heart can't seem to find the good in life. 

So I go searching. I look for it. Sometimes it might mean leaving the house to get my favorite tea. Or taking the kids outside to the park, and swinging on the swing myself. Or picking up the phone to call a friend and talk through life and its emotions. Or finding the happiest music with the loudest bass to play throughout the entire house. Sometimes I turn on the TV for 30 minutes because I honestly think it turns off my brain. Like a restart switch. 

If I wallow in my misery, nothing changes. 

But if I get up and do something, things feel a little brighter. And when things are brighter, it's easier to continue on in life. And when you keep going with a brighter perspective, that's when awesome things start to happen. 


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