Monday, August 1, 2016

happiest of birthdays

Today is my birthday. And between all of the texts, phone calls, messages, and Facebook notifications, I was thought of by over 100 people today. 

I know there are some people who don't like the whole Facebook birthday reminder thingy. I personally don't use it because I know that I'll remember to write for one friend and then forget for another friend and then just feel horrible. It's one of my 745,980 shortcomings (I might be underestimating there.) 

I, however, want to leave this birthday telling you all how rad it felt to be thought of by each one of you! Instead of seeing the political rantings and the spewing of not nice words, I got to read through birthday greetings from my friends. 

Imagine if we took this birthday wishing to a whole nother level (I know it's not a word, but I'm making it one for tonight because it's my birthday and also because it is my poetic license.) What if we were more intentional about sending little greetings to each other just because?! What if we looked for ways to make others feel great about their day...just because?! What if, when we thought of someone, we actual let them know: "Hey, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of ya!" What if we encouraged, uplifted, and complimented.........just because?! 

I don't know about you, but if I had that much positivity pouring into my life on a regular basis, I'm pretty sure I'd be floating on a cloud most days (Yeah, that's my analogy. I happen to thrive on good words.)

I know, I know, I go back to this whole "say nice words" thing frequently on my blog. But that's because I believe so strongly that our words, been from a very young age, can make or break a person. 
And I think we should be "making" more people and "breaking" less. 


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