Thursday, May 9, 2013

i like old people

When I was a kid, our elementary school classes used to walk to the local "home for the elderly" (otherwise known as Bethany Home) and spend time visiting and singing for the old folks.  We had to walk through the convalescent part first which always scared me.  The people reaching out to me and mumbling to me as I walked by and tried to smile just kind of freaked me out.

Then I grew up.  I now find the older generation to be so interesting!  The stories they have to tell.  The trials they have been through and what they have learned.  The vast amounts of knowledge and wisdom from years of experience.  Wow!

I, myself, am not yet what I consider elderly (although sometimes I feel like it).  However, in my 30+ years I have learned a lot about life and feel like I have some wisdom to pass down to my teenage nieces and nephews (and if they ask for advice, they get it!)  Now add 30+ more years of experience... double, triple the amount of experience and wisdom!

I like old people.  They don't scare me any more.  I respect them.  I admire them.  I think they are great!  (Mom, although I feel all these ways about you, I don't consider you old... yet.)

So how sad is it that our country is in the process of shoving the elderly out the door?  I don't know much about the Medicare system, but I know it stinks!  Where is our respect?  Where is our admiration?  Gone, shoved away by a younger generation who think they know better.  Extremely sad, if you ask me.

Job 12:12: "Wisdom is with aged men, and with the length of days, understanding."

Proverbs 16:31: "The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness."

Next time you spend any amount of time with an "older" person, make sure you show them their value.  They have earned every wrinkle on their beautiful faces and every grey or white hair on their heads.



  1. Thanks for a wonderful tribute to the elderly. I'm glad you don't consider me old but I will accept your praise and respect as if I am. To some I am old.It is all relative. Yes, we can still contribute to society and with God's help in a very good way. You can not buy experience and with it usually comes wisdom. Thanks again for the love you show and give to so many of my friends who are older than you.Mom

  2. I agree...older people are esp close to my heart since as you know, I was primarily raised by my grandparents....without being forced to..they took on the great responsibility of raising another child in their 50's, That's amazing and I'm sure was difficult at times. To this day when I see an older couple, many times a tear comes to my eye, I cant help but think of my grandma and grandpa, who were so special to me and gave me soo much. I'm so glad they were willing to do that, gave me a stable home, love, security and a happy, carefree childhood...One that I really wouldn't have changed even if I COULD ...SO I could grow up to be your awesome sister in law!! lol... you know who!
