Wednesday, May 29, 2013

friends - i love mine

Where has the time gone!!  I can't believe that an entire week has passed me by...  Well, actually I can.  This past week has been so full of so many good things!  I have spent time with so many different friends this past week that I can't help but call myself blessed.  Friends of old and some new ones.  Some that I've spent hours with and some just a few passing minutes of conversation.

But every evening I go to bed thinking about my little old blog.  I just love this blog.  I love sharing my heart and my experiences and the little things that God teaches me on a regular basis.  (I need constant teaching and reminding.)  I think of the people who I know actually take the time to read it!  And those of you who maybe read it and I just don't know it.  But because I haven't written and connected with you all for a week, I miss you!  Seems kind of sappy, I know.

But then again, it's after 10:00 and I am tired and I tend to get a little sappier the later it gets...

One thing that I have learned about myself over the years is that I am so very far from being a perfect friend, or even a good one.  I forget birthdays.  I say dumb things.  I let my selfishness get in the way. I don't keep in contact with far away friends like I should.  When it's supposed to be my turn to call or text or message or email, I fall behind.  There are some parts of friendship I'm just not that good at!  I'm trying to get better, but that takes time.

Sometimes God prompts me to do something thoughtful or wonderful or so generous for a friend and then I seem like this really great gal... but I'm still not.  That's just God being awesome through me.  I do the not-so-great stuff, God does the awesome stuff.  But you know what?  Even when I do the not-so-great stuff, He still manages to do great things through it.  That amazes me!

Many years ago in high school, I made some choices that made it tough for my dearest, closest friends to want to be around me.  (Nothing major, I wasn't a naughty kid, I just prioritized wrong).  But you know what those friends did?  They came up around me and talked me through it so that we could be friends on the other side.  A couple of those friendships are still the strongest ones I have to this day.  See what God did there?  Took my bad and turned it into His best.

Okay, time to end this rambler.  Do you have a friend who maybe needs your grace?  Being a friend isn't all about taking, often it's more about giving.  What can you give to a friend this week?


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