Monday, March 31, 2014

look harder

Sometimes there might not be an ounce of good in your day, but chances are that you're not looking hard enough.

I know there are days that I just feel like giving up. Sometimes around 10:00 in the morning, I'd like to go back to bed. Other times I think it might just be better for everyone if I just left the house because I can't seem to get along with anyone!  And those are the easy days. I've been through tough days. Unimaginable days. Days I wouldn't wish on anyone. 

But even on those days, the worst days of my life, I had perspective. It might not have been on the forefront of my mind, but like a little glimmer of light, that hope stayed lit within me, giving me comfort.

I don't know what your perspective is. Maybe life has never seemed fair (not that anyone ever promised it would be!) Maybe you always get the short end of the stick. Perhaps it feels like trouble follows you everywhere you go. 

Or maybe you've just never been taught how to look for the good...

In the movie Pollyanna, she talks about The Glad Game:
How true is that? When you start to get in the habit of looking for the good, pretty soon your perspective changes and the good becomes easier to see!

Healthy children
A place to live
Food on your plate
A wonderful community to raise your children in
An uplifting church
An ugly car that drives you from point A to point B
This list could go on and on, especially if I focused solely on the material goods we have, but, even if all of that were gone, there is one more light, the most valuable light that stays lit within me:


Because even in the worst situation that I could fathom, heaven with my Father awaits me. And that knowledge trumps every bad thing in this world.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

an oldie but a goodie

What I'm gonna share with you today might seem outdated but I am surprised at how often I use it and how valid it is today. 


What Would Jesus Do?

Honestly, I use that phrase in my head all the time, whether I am evaluating a decision as a friend, wife, or mother. I use it when I read about controversial subjects on Facebook (because that is where I spend my time catching up on things of this world. Not too ashamed to say it - I care about my friends more than what I read in the newspaper.) I use it when I am trying to choose my words carefully. I use it when I write. 

I was raised in a Christian family, in a Christian school, and in church. I heard about and learned about my Jesus everyday. He was... (I'm sorry, but I am struggling to come up with an adjective that truly describes Him, but we will go with awesome) AWESOME. Full of compassion, mercy, grace, understanding. Yet he spoke the truth and convicted people without turning them off. He was a healer and a teacher. He forgave and he blessed.

And perhaps what strikes me the most is that he was a doctor to heal the sick. 

And aren't we all sick?

Don't we all have planks sticking out of our eye as we try to pick a speck out of someone else's?

Shouldn't we love the sinner? 
Because if not, I'm in trouble...

So at the risk of bringing back an old acronym: WWJD?


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

grown-up decisions

I had a moment today. It was a grown-up moment. I was laying on my bed, chatting with my husband about my day while he was at his computer. We finished the conversation, he walked out, and I stayed on my bed feeling my eyelids get heavy...

The mental battle started:

Just a few minutes, a little nap.
Nope! Too much to do.
I'll just close my eyes for a second.
No - this evening is full. Close your eyes even for a minute and nobody will get dinner!
But it's so comfy...
You'll regret it!!

(Can you see the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other?!)

Now, I'm not one of those nappers who sleeps for 15 minutes and then I am refreshed! Nope. Give me two hours. That'd be awesome. And I know this about myself, so I got my behind up off that bed and started dinner and made lunches for the next day, made a quick trip to the grocery store and got my clothes changed for a meeting that evening. And all with 0 minutes to spare! Good thing I didn't close my eyes just for a few minutes.

Sometimes I don't like being an adult. You know why? Because I have to think about other people...all the time!! There is hardly any time for selfishness. Too many people rely on me to make life go smoothly around here.

And you know what else? That's okay with me.

Because when it comes right down to it, that is who God created me to be: selfless, thinking of others, caring for other people. I'm not always that great at it; just ask my family and they will freely point out my selfish moments! But I try. And it's good to have goals, right? 

Romans 15:1-2 says this:
We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification.

So I made a mature decision earlier this evening. Now, as I finish writing this post at 12:08, I'm realizing that maybe I need to be making better choices about my bedtime...


Saturday, March 22, 2014

sometimes ya just gotta

When my daughter was young, under the age of 3, she would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall back asleep. Already possessing a strong will during the day, you could understand my frustration at night when this strong will showed up during my sleep time!! I started resent her as it took an hour to get her back to sleep. (I was a somewhat new mom and had a lot to learn!) So I developed a new habit to combat the resentfulness: I would write down all the things about my girl that I loved; from her smile to a funny thing she said that day. Sometimes I could only come up with a couple, but that was enough.

So this evening, a few frustrations from my day have crept in; I have heard myself sigh more than usual! So instead of letting them get me down, I will refocus on the good that God has given me throughout the day:

1. My little buddy with the bumps on his hands and feet is now sleeping through the night - no more pain. This means that I am sleeping through the night again. Yay!

2. I got a head start on my laundry. That never happens!

3. I got to watch my hubby be a handyman today - that's my favorite: to watch him build stuff!

4. My hubby went and filled my truck up with gas for me. Wow! Double brownie points. 

5. For most of the day (not the entire day because that never happens), my kids got along and didn't push my buttons.  My daughter even had a couple of moments where she was very thoughtful of me!

And there were many more good things. Tasty dinner, laughs with my husband, spending time in the spa with the family, working on some fun projects, and 2 or 3 moments of obedience from the kids!

You know what? When you see all the good in a day, it starts to drown out the bad.

Sometimes ya just gotta re-focus and look for the good!


Friday, March 21, 2014


Simple concept:
There are times when I feel like God and I are sitting right next to each other.  

Times when His peace feels like a hug.

Moments when His words pop into my mind right when I need them.

There are days when I seek Him and there He is.

And then there are times when I get caught up in my life and don't take time with God.

Times of desperation when I don't know what to do.

There are moments when I am distracted.

When I am a disappointment.

When I feel like a failure.

But His word never changes:


Thursday, March 20, 2014

rolling with the punches

I had to do a little research to make sure that phrase meant what I thought it meant because this week I'm pretty sure I have just been rolling with the punches.

It's spring break - time to go places and have friends over or go places with friends!! 

Except three days into spring break my youngest came down with a fever. The next day a bunch of bumps showed up on his feet, then his hands, then a few on his face. Yeah, if you've got kids, you know what that means: no friends over, no leaving the house. We are contaminated. *sigh*

Soooooo. What do you do for the rest of spring break when you can't really go anywhere or have anyone over? 

You roll with the punches.

Praise the LORD for Pinterest!! (And if you think Pinterest is a waste of time, you can talk to my husband about how delicious his hamburger was this evening and you can be impressed at the folding job I did to my fitted sheets - even I was impressed - and you can ask my daughter if she likes swing dancing now.)

Here is our past couple of days in picture story form:

Pipe Cleaner Creations:

Dancing Raisins:

Dyeing Celery and a Rainbow Jar:

Name Creations:

Making Butter and Whipped Cream:

Our favorite - Baking Soda and Drops of Rainbow Vinegar:

Linc Built a Pizza Monster:

Aaaaaaaand we made play doh, bubbles, drew with chalk, took a 20 minute dip in a freezing pool, watched Frozen (3 times) and Despicable Me 2 (2 times), did crafts from the Dollar Store, and I cleaned the kitchen 14 times.

So we didn't get to visit our friends who are camping today and we won't get to go to the beach with our other friends tomorrow. We haven't had any sleep overs or even any play dates. 

But we rolled with the punches and had a ton of fun doing it together.


because you are 8

I utter this phrase often these days: "because you are eight!" 

My daughter is a pushy kid (at home). She desperately tries to get her own way. And by desperate, I mean that she will try anything and everything to make things work out exactly how she plans for them to happen. (Currently, she is trying to convince us that we should purchase some chicks from the local Tractor Supply Co because we can create a pen for them in our side yard using a baby gate and a cardboard box. I'm encouraging some research on the subject.) 

But this girl is smart, too! When I tell her "no," she will badger me to death (yes, to the death of my sanity) with her "why not?" and "but Mom!"  She is looking for a discussion because she likes to argue. She likes to debate. She had told me this to my face. Yes. To my face. This non-confrontational mom has had to learn how to be confrontational and how to handle my cool through it all. 

We have learned not to engage her in discussion in these situations. Because the fact of the matter is that "I said so." 

(Now there is a time and a place to listen to and discuss with your kids. We do this on a regular basis.)

(But there are also times and places where it is not appropriate to argue with the God-given authority of parents.)

I have sat with my daughter, (not in the middle of one of these arguments, mind you, because it would go in one ear and out the other) and have chatted with her about how God gave me the authority to be her mom. And I have explained that when I tell her "no" it is because I have good reasons and she should trust my decision without having to know the reason behind it. And I have told her that usually the decisions I make are for her good, not just because I want to rob her of all of life's fun. (Although sometimes, when I am really irritated....)

AND because I am 25+ years older than her and have much more wisdom, experience, and knowledge than she does because she is only 8.

So, when I tell my daughter, "because you are eight!" she knows that trumps everything because I am older, wiser, and more experienced at life than she is. 

Now, when she is a teenager, that will be a different story.  *sigh*


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

welcome the interruption

Today my little guy came down with a fever.  He's 5 and he usually does pretty good when he's sick (much better than I do - I act like a baby!)  Today, however, he was crabby and crying and couldn't tell me why he didn't feel good.  Poor buddy. 

I had lots to do, it is spring break, after all, and I'm trying to get done all the projects that I can! Plus I had the normal weekly stuff to accomplish: laundry, groceries, straightening up the house (and about 45 daily chores). 

So you know what I did? I rented Frozen from Redbox and sat and watched it with the kids, twice. 

I did manage to get a few things done during the day, but my focus was on my kiddos.

God's little reminder to me: sit with my kids, spend time cuddling with them, take care of their needs, let them know that when they feel terrible, Mom will be there.

I titled this post: "welcome the Interruption."  I don't welcome sickness in my house, but I do welcome the interruption to my busy life to sit and spend time with my children, letting them know that I will take care of them.

Now, let's hope the rest of the house manages to avoid it!


Sunday, March 16, 2014

a breath

I don't know about all y'all, but I can't wait to get to heaven. My God is an amazing, beyond belief, unfathomable God who can do amazing, beyond belief, unfathomable things! And He's preparing them for me right now.

I'll admit, God has made my life here on earth so far pretty great. Family, health, love, and so much more have already been given to me. But the Bible says our life here is fleeting, it is but a breath.  So if it is so short, I am excited to see what God has prepared for me for eternity!

It is going to be rad. (Yeah, I'm kinda a fan of the word "rad." It's making its comeback even as we speak...)


Saturday, March 15, 2014

look for the happy

Earlier today I heard my daughter giggling downstairs. She was watching one of her favorite TV shows. I absolutely adore her giggle. There is nothing sweeter. 

But the giggle is rare.  More often than not, we hear " Whinese" in our house. Complaining, griping, belly achin', always whining about something!

So I went downstairs and made her look me in the eye as I said, "That giggle is one of my favorite things to hear.  I don't hear it near enough. You need to find more things in this life to giggle about." 

She smiled and nodded at me. 

And isn't that the truth?  It is so easy for me to get caught up in the busy-ness and frustration of life that it makes me irritable.  I forget to look for the things that make me smile and they're usually right in front of me.

Kids are funny, they do funny stuff - watch for it.
They say silly things - listen to them.
Pets - always good at making their owners smile.
Flowers - beautiful! (Have you ever turned a snap dragon into a dragon?  I'll show you how!)
A good uplifting song on the radio - a gift for our souls!
I put humorous things on my fridge - never gets old, constant smiles.
Old pictures full of memories (some of my classmates have been pulling out their yearbooks - yikes!)
Good conversation, funny texts among friends, sharing good stories.
A house that smells like fresh baked goodies or a home cooked meal - I love it!
The feel of fresh, clean socks (random, I know, but it feels so good!)
A good hair day.
A friend waving at you from their car as they drive by.
A job well done (even if it is cleaning the toilet!)

And these are just the ones off the top of my head.

But think about it: if you chose to focus on the good, the things that make you smile and laugh, don't you think the bad things in your life wouldn't feel quite so terrible? I think so.

So look for it, look for the good, the happy, the enjoyable. It's there, you just have to look for it.

(What can you see right now that brings a smile to your face?)


Friday, March 14, 2014

characters and stuff

You know what's better than stuff? Character.  And you know what creates character? Not stuff.

I won't lie: I like stuff.  Just ask my husband and my fantastic shopping buddy, my Mom. I like a cupboard full of mugs that don't match.  I like old suitcases in a variety of colors.  I like chairs of varying styles and sizes.  I like shoes.  I like colorful serving bowls. Buttons, picture frames, artwork. I love books, especially children's books.  I like junk that I can use around the house in such ways that it actually looks like it serves a valuable purpose. 

Stuff. I like it.

But stuff isn't me. It might reflect my style, but it hasn't made me into who I am.

Experiences have shaped me. Choices have changed me. Devastation has deepened me. Difficulties have strengthened me. And God's hand in all of it has created my character.

So I try to remind myself when I get jealous of what other people have: (STUFF!) that I have a different kind of stuff: character. Character is what keeps us surviving.  Character is what gives us perspective. Character will push us through our most difficult times.  Character can keep us upbeat and smiling. 

But every once in a while, a really cool coffee mug makes me smile too! 
(Totally just ruined my whole message with that last line, didn't I?)


Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I'll admit to being biased about this subject matter, but when music has been in your life pretty much since birth, it's hard not to be!

Music is one of the most valuable gifts we can give our children.  

(I think I could leave it at that and it would be enough!)

Music reaches to our innermost: our soul.

When a song comes on the radio, it can take you back in time, someplace where your heart was exploding with happiness or where it was overwhelmed with grief.

A song can speak to you, change your perspective for the rest of the day, lift your spirits and minister to you.

You can share a song to speak to or uplift a friend. 

Music motivates you to move, to dance, to run, go workout, or just to get off the couch, go out and visit the world again. 

A song can remind you of loved ones, those you have lost and those you never want to forget.

Music is a gift you can give to God in praise.

I believe music can change a person's life.

And if you teach your child to sing or to play an instrument, you are giving them a gift that will serve them for a lifetime! (Again, a bit biased, but pretty much Truth!)


Monday, March 10, 2014

the valley

Last night I had a terrible time trying to sleep. Tonight I just figured I'd stay up late and blog instead of fighting awakeness.  But that means you get to put up with my late night mind wanderings...

There have been numerous times when I've been down in a valley in this life so far. Valleys are tough.  Stress from work, sickness, financial difficulties, marriage problems, frustrations in parenting, death of a loved one. That list could go on and on considering how terrible this world is that we live in and how many things the devil uses to bring us down.

But let me tell you, it is in those valleys that I have grown closer to God.  I need Him. I seek Him fervently.  I cry, I pray, and sometimes I just sit with Him at a loss for words.  And He Is There.  

Comfort. Peace. Guidance. Direction. He is there.

So take that, devil!  All those times when you were tearing me down, I grew closer to my Lord!! Your plan backfired, didn't it?!

So there.


Here's a little song by a guy I've had the pleasure of watching perform on stage numerous times.
 (God in the Valley): 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

time-consuming children

Word of warning: Don't become a parent unless you have tons of time on your hands.

Unless it is your dream to be a mom or dad and you are willing to devote your life to it.

Then do it because it is awesome!

I'm not just talking about the lack of sleep whilst taking care of that newborn.  Or driving your kiddo from soccer games to church functions to Girl Scouts.  It's not just doing their laundry, making their lunches, or doing homework with them.  (Although all that uses up so much of my crafting time!!)

I'm talking about the time it takes to reach their hearts.  It takes conversation.  Heart to heart.  Deliberate choices to discipline appropriately.  And following up after discipline. Conversations at mealtime, on the way to school, at bedtime.  Lessons learned after good and bad life experiences.  And praying together. 

My oldest and I have had numerous heart-to-heart conversations.  Little by little I am seeing changes in her perspective and attitude.  (I have to remind myself that training takes time; years even!) Even my 5 year old and I have these intentional talks and I love to see him process it all and apply it to his choices in the future. 

We talk about how to treat our friends at school and how to respect others, even if we don't particular enjoy their company.  We talk about the words that come out of their mouths and how they can hurt other people's feelings (even mommy's feelings).  We talk about trust and how lying or being sneaky can break that trust. We talk about being obedient and helpful to adults. We talk about their negative behavior and how to make better choices.  We talk about how Jesus can help them when they struggle to make good choices.  We talk about it all. 

So perhaps what I'm getting at here is not so much how much time is given to our children, but how we use the time with them. Deliberate. Intentional. Purposeful.


Friday, March 7, 2014

a dozen things of happiness on friday

Happy Friday!!

This week was busy for our family (5 dentist/doctor appointments) but good.

1. I just love that my little boy is still my little boy - his snuggles are the best!
2. Due to a doctor's appointment today I found out that my daughter is "super healthy and beautiful."
3. The squeaks that our cats make are not quite "meows" but they are so endearing.
4. Naps.  Yes, I took a nap this week.
5. Girl Scout Cookies, namely Caramel DeLites!

6. Piano students who actually practiced 5 days during the week.
7. Kindergarten artwork (Abe and George came home this week).

8. Neighborhood children for our kids to play with.
9. Sunshine after rain.
10. I adore it when my kids sing along to the Christian radio station and know the songs better than I do!
11. Texts from friends just because...
12. An inspirational word from God, just when I needed it.

What made you happy this week?


little girls should be little girls

My daughter is 8 years old, going on 17. You can imagine what that is like!  She wants to borrow my dangly earrings. She wants to try on my make up. Buy high-heeled shoes. Listen to mature music and wear mature clothing.  She wants to do things her way and by herself. And the attitude!!

She is trying to grow up so fast!

She wonders why I fight her on so many if these things. What's the big deal?  

The big deal is this: she has years to be older, but only few years to be a little kid. 

So we don't let her watch teen movies, and we are cautious about what music she listens to.  We are strict about the clothing she wears. We encourage her to play and discourage her interest in teen and even pre-teen activities.  When she pretends to be a cat or plays on the mud puddles, we enjoy it because she's being a kid.  

Life begins hurry up in high school.  Responsibilities start to pile up in your 20's.  And you just keep getting older till you die.  (Golly, that got morbid fast!) There are great joys in getting older but being a kid only comes in glimpses when you drive your truck through a big puddle or when your hubby tickles you or when you play pretend with your kids or you do a cannonball in the pool! 

Don't let those kids grow up any faster than they have to.  Being an adult is hard work. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

who is in charge here?

The past week or so I have come across a number of things to write about.  But if you are one of my faithful 5 followers, you probably noticed that I didn't blog about any of them.  I haven't been able to figure out why I can't form a decent blog post.  I sit down and start and it goes no where.  Or it seems like a terrible idea once I get started.  Or every idea flies out of my mind when I sit down to focus on it.

But tonight I think I might have an inkling as to why that is.

Me.  I am the problem.  I am trying to write it.  I am trying to be clever.  I am trying to do it by myself.  And that is a terrible idea.

So tonight, I quit!  I'm giving it back over to God so that He can use me and put this blog back to work for Him. I tend to get in the way.  (I'm sure this won't be the last time!)

What about you?  What are you trying to accomplish on your own?  Something that God should be in charge of?  Time to give it over to Him.  He can do greater things with you than you can imagine!