The mental battle started:
Just a few minutes, a little nap.
Nope! Too much to do.
I'll just close my eyes for a second.
No - this evening is full. Close your eyes even for a minute and nobody will get dinner!
But it's so comfy...
You'll regret it!!
(Can you see the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other?!)
Now, I'm not one of those nappers who sleeps for 15 minutes and then I am refreshed! Nope. Give me two hours. That'd be awesome. And I know this about myself, so I got my behind up off that bed and started dinner and made lunches for the next day, made a quick trip to the grocery store and got my clothes changed for a meeting that evening. And all with 0 minutes to spare! Good thing I didn't close my eyes just for a few minutes.
Sometimes I don't like being an adult. You know why? Because I have to think about other people...all the time!! There is hardly any time for selfishness. Too many people rely on me to make life go smoothly around here.
And you know what else? That's okay with me.
Because when it comes right down to it, that is who God created me to be: selfless, thinking of others, caring for other people. I'm not always that great at it; just ask my family and they will freely point out my selfish moments! But I try. And it's good to have goals, right?
Romans 15:1-2 says this:
We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification.
So I made a mature decision earlier this evening. Now, as I finish writing this post at 12:08, I'm realizing that maybe I need to be making better choices about my bedtime...
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