Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I'll admit to being biased about this subject matter, but when music has been in your life pretty much since birth, it's hard not to be!

Music is one of the most valuable gifts we can give our children.  

(I think I could leave it at that and it would be enough!)

Music reaches to our innermost: our soul.

When a song comes on the radio, it can take you back in time, someplace where your heart was exploding with happiness or where it was overwhelmed with grief.

A song can speak to you, change your perspective for the rest of the day, lift your spirits and minister to you.

You can share a song to speak to or uplift a friend. 

Music motivates you to move, to dance, to run, go workout, or just to get off the couch, go out and visit the world again. 

A song can remind you of loved ones, those you have lost and those you never want to forget.

Music is a gift you can give to God in praise.

I believe music can change a person's life.

And if you teach your child to sing or to play an instrument, you are giving them a gift that will serve them for a lifetime! (Again, a bit biased, but pretty much Truth!)