Monday, March 31, 2014

look harder

Sometimes there might not be an ounce of good in your day, but chances are that you're not looking hard enough.

I know there are days that I just feel like giving up. Sometimes around 10:00 in the morning, I'd like to go back to bed. Other times I think it might just be better for everyone if I just left the house because I can't seem to get along with anyone!  And those are the easy days. I've been through tough days. Unimaginable days. Days I wouldn't wish on anyone. 

But even on those days, the worst days of my life, I had perspective. It might not have been on the forefront of my mind, but like a little glimmer of light, that hope stayed lit within me, giving me comfort.

I don't know what your perspective is. Maybe life has never seemed fair (not that anyone ever promised it would be!) Maybe you always get the short end of the stick. Perhaps it feels like trouble follows you everywhere you go. 

Or maybe you've just never been taught how to look for the good...

In the movie Pollyanna, she talks about The Glad Game:
How true is that? When you start to get in the habit of looking for the good, pretty soon your perspective changes and the good becomes easier to see!

Healthy children
A place to live
Food on your plate
A wonderful community to raise your children in
An uplifting church
An ugly car that drives you from point A to point B
This list could go on and on, especially if I focused solely on the material goods we have, but, even if all of that were gone, there is one more light, the most valuable light that stays lit within me:


Because even in the worst situation that I could fathom, heaven with my Father awaits me. And that knowledge trumps every bad thing in this world.


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