Tuesday, March 18, 2014

welcome the interruption

Today my little guy came down with a fever.  He's 5 and he usually does pretty good when he's sick (much better than I do - I act like a baby!)  Today, however, he was crabby and crying and couldn't tell me why he didn't feel good.  Poor buddy. 

I had lots to do, it is spring break, after all, and I'm trying to get done all the projects that I can! Plus I had the normal weekly stuff to accomplish: laundry, groceries, straightening up the house (and about 45 daily chores). 

So you know what I did? I rented Frozen from Redbox and sat and watched it with the kids, twice. 

I did manage to get a few things done during the day, but my focus was on my kiddos.

God's little reminder to me: sit with my kids, spend time cuddling with them, take care of their needs, let them know that when they feel terrible, Mom will be there.

I titled this post: "welcome the Interruption."  I don't welcome sickness in my house, but I do welcome the interruption to my busy life to sit and spend time with my children, letting them know that I will take care of them.

Now, let's hope the rest of the house manages to avoid it!


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