Thursday, April 10, 2014

donut holes (it became a theme)

People are irritating! They drive too fast. They drive too slow. They are frustrating when they pay attention to no one around them and talk on their phones loudly in public places. People are inconsiderate when they use foul language in front of my children. People are rude. They don't hold the door open for you when you are right behind them. They talk during the movie. They purchase the last of the donut holes as you stand in line behind them with two little kids (ok, that's never happened to me, but it would be a bummer if it did because I really like donut holes). 

All in all, people just suck! (Sorry, Mom. I know you don't prefer that word but I'm going for emphasis here). 

But, let me ask you this: are you perfect? Or do you have your moments of being irritating (remember that time you weren't paying attention at the light and it was green for 10 seconds and you didn't notice until someone honked their horn at you?) Have you ever been rude or inconsiderate (for example: purchasing the last of the donut holes at the only donut shop in town while a hungry mom and her two adorable kids stood in line behind you)? Have you ever been frustrating? Or annoying? Or thoughtless?

If you are perfect, then you are just full of baloney. (Although I prefer to write bologna, but when ever I see it written out, I pronounce it "bo-lahg-nah" and that doesn't work as well in this classic and yet still appropriate phrase).

(I know. Rare form tonight! I apologize.'re welcome!)

Anyway. I found this on Pinterest the other day. So good! So true.

So, may you be filled with kindness, patience, and an understanding spirit tomorrow (or today, I suppose) as you deal with the rest of us who can't park straight, run over curbs, have loud and obnoxious children, and beg you for your donut holes. 


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