Saturday, April 26, 2014

happy friday

Happy Friday!

Here are a dozen things that made me happy this week.
1. Flip flops. Wait, scratch that. White flips flops! There's something about a crisp, clean pair of white flip flops.
2. Rain boots! Yep. Gorgeous weather and hail/rainy weather all in the same week.
3. Wreaths - I've been waist-deep in burlap and muslin making wreaths for an upcoming sale. Creating wreaths is my happy place.
5. Sleeping children - my favorite! (I will repeat myself on this frequently because those peaceful faces bring rest to my soul.)
6. Coffeetime with my Mom. She's the best. 
7. The laughter of my kids. (Well, maybe your kids too, but definitely mine!)
8. Corner Stop Eatery - a little restaurant in town where the owner makes a point to be personal with his customers. That goes a long way with me!
9. Photos, because photos = memories
10. A comfy couch.
11. Tri-tip. If you've had it, you know. 
12. A husband who agrees that being silly with the kids is a good thing (including doing the things that make them roll their eyes!)

What made you happy this week?


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