I'm learning to survive here on this earth...but only by the grace of God.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
funny stuff
Okay, you all - the weekend is getting close. Smile a little!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
smack dab in the face
Ok. I was just hit smack dab in the face with faith. I know what faith is. I know how to live a life of faith. It is my way of life. But let me tell ya, it slipped to the back burner for just a bit and suddenly I'm back to relying on myself to make everything happen. To make sure things go how they are supposed to. To go how I want them to go. In control...imagine that.
And you know what it got me? A whole lot of anxiety. Stupid, dumb, ridiculous anxiety.
Worry has been a long-time acquaintance of mine. We go way back, as far as I can remember. Used to be that worry controlled my life. And that does not make for a very enjoyable life!
But with the constant mentoring, teaching, and living examples from my Dad and Mom, and then eventually from my husband, I was able to understand what living a life of faith really meant. There's a phrase that goes, "Let go, let God." I think that was on a magnet on our fridge in my parents' home. Or on a bulletin board or somewhere where I saw it frequently!
It came down to this for me: I could either do everything in my power to make something happen and then sit back and stress about it, or I could all the same things but give it over to God to let Him worry about the outcome. He's in control anyway. What's going to happen is going to happen whether I waste my time worrying about it or not.
And the fact of the matter is this: if I am worrying my little heart out, then am I really trusting that God knows what He's doing? Even if things don't go according to my plans, that doesn't mean that it is out of God's hands.
When my Dad was sick, God brought our family a scripture that has been one of my favorites ever since (although I will admit I have lots of favorite scriptures so if I call another scripture one of my favorites, that's why.) Jeremiah 29:11 says this: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Now He and I might not always agree on the plans, but I do have to have faith that He knows what He is doing. He is God, afterall.
So all these little things that have been waking me up in the wee hours of the morning, the things that have been distracting me at home, the things that make me a little irritable (only a little 😉), those are the things I need to combat with faith. To do what I can and give the rest over to Him.
I think this one right here is what caused the "smack dab" in the first paragraph of this post:
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
leaning toward grace
Tonight I'm battling the feeling of failure. This happens on a pretty regular basis for me. It's just so easy to look around and see all the ways that I fall short every single day. My house, my kids, my routines and organization (both of which leave a little to be desired), my spouse, my job, my friendships... Every day I am faced with knowing that I could be doing better at one (or 10) of my responsibilities.
That feels overwhelming. And frustrating. And discouraging. And I don't like feeling that way.
The crazy thing is that my family is not placing unrealistic standards in my life. My husband appreciates me and loves me for who I am. My kids love to spend time with me...even when I'm not so enjoyable! I'm pretty sure most of my students actually like coming to piano lessons and my friends keep calling and texting and wanting to spend time with me... So where does that feeling of failure come from?
I get down on myself when I can't seem to get a project (like cleaning out a closet) completed. I get frustrated with a to-do list that is 10 feet long (I write big). And then there is homeschooling. That is just a world full of doubt and insecurities! The birthdays that I missed. The workout I should have done. The money I should have saved. The healthier lunch I should have served...although I do so love Kraft MacNCheese. 😋
It is SO easy to get caught up in what I am not getting accomplished, what I'm doing wrong, what I'm missing. It can be difficult to see the good, to see the victories, the fruit, the accomplishments.
And the grace.
I'm trying to be perfect at everything. How ridiculous of me. Impossible. I'd need 25 of me working without sleep to make that happen, and even then...
If I were perfect, I'd have no need for a Savior, for someone like Jesus to lean on. And let me tell ya, I do like that feeling: leaning on Jesus and soaking up His ever present grace.
Monday, October 27, 2014
You ever look at someone who has done something amazing with their life and think, "Wow! They are amazing! I'll never be as amazing as that..." I do. All the time.
But that's kind of a stinky way to live life: constantly thinking that God is doing amazing things in other people's lives, but not your own. Because that's just not the truth.
I have friends who have adopted children. Others who have started incredible charitable organizations. Others who get up onstage and perform with talents I could only dream of posessing. Friends who run not only half marathons, but whole ones too! Do you know how many miles are in a whole marathon? 26ish. That's ridiculous.
I have friends who work full time and still come home to be incredible mommies with really clean homes - how is that even possible? And moms who have 4 kids and taxi them all over the Central Valley, creating these amazing, well-rounded children. And still others who take their families on mission trips to build homes in other countries and teach VBS while they are there.
So, even though I still often fall into that "comparison" way of thinking, God constantly reminds me of His truth:
He has a purpose for me. I don't always know what it is, but I know He is using me someway or another. And even when I don't see it, I know it's true because I gave myself to Him years ago to be used for His work.
And the other important thing that I have to remind myself of is that God has equipped me with gifts, but they are different than other people's gifts. So I'll probably never run a whole marathon, or go on a whole family mission trip to Africa, or work full-time (out of the house, anyway) while maintaining a clean house - ha!, but that's okay. God's got other amazing plans for me...
Like raising two awesome children to do great things for Him.
Or igniting a passion for music in one of my piano students.
Or helping other moms realize that they are not alone in the crazy, emotional world of mommyhood as I pour out my heart in this blog.
It doesn't matter how big or little His plan seems, it is far-reaching and only God knows just how far our gifts will go.
So let me just tell you: you are amazing!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
order of importance
For anyone who has known me for even a smidge of time, you know that I am a busy person. I like to live a full life. Sometimes to my own detriment, usually resulting in exhaustion and maybe a wee bit of stress. I just don't want to miss out on anything or anyone in this life!
But I will tell you this: when it comes right down to it, I will always put God, my husband, and my children (in that order) before anything or anyone else. And they, in return, and out of love for me, share me.
When life gets a bit to busy for me, I have to step back, prioritize, and then choose what is best for my family. Sometimes that means saying no to something I really wanted to do. And sometimes it means saying yes to something I really don't feel like doing.
Now I know not everyone agrees with that order, but I think it's the best. Here's just one reason why:
God gave me these children to raise for just a little bit of time and they must be one of my primariy focuses while they are living with me. However, once they are moved out of this house, I would hate to have forgotten about my husband during the previous 18 or so years. I mean, we have a lifetime together and we need to keep working on it even during the youth of our children. That way when they move out, we will have a strong relationship already cultivated. But, sometimes man fails. Sometimes my husband and/or children are not perfect. But God is. He is always there for me. He never fails.
So my God, my unfailing Savior, my Creator who is always there for me, will always take first place in my life.
My husband, the man I intend to spend the rest of my life with (which is an awfully long time for him to put up with me) will always take the second place in my life.
And those precious little hearts, my children will always take the third placed in my life.
And where do I fit in? How do I prioritize myself in this list? I think that is a blog post for another day...😴
Monday, October 20, 2014
Last week was kind of a crazy week for me. Well, more crazy than usual! On top of the regular homeschooling, piano teaching, household junk, and mommy and wifey stuff, I subbed for two days. PE. And socially, the calendar filled up mighty fast as well, and if you know me at all, you know I try hard not to miss out on a social event (must be a homeschooling mentality). By the time Sunday evening rolled around, I was watching a TV show with my husband with my eyes closed. 😴
Even through the busy-ness, I have to say that I was truly blessed. I have wonderful sisters-in-law. I know not everybody can say that, but mine truly step in as sisters for me, which is especially great for me because I don't have any biological sisters (although my Mom will tell you that I did beg for a younger sibling!)
Two of my SILs were willing to watch my kids on the days that I was subbing. As it turns out, only one ended up having an open schedule to do so. But let me tell ya, I was ever so grateful that she could step in at the last minute to have them. And, although I knew she was doing me a favor, I loved that she was actually excited to have them over. That warms a mom's heart. 😊
Now my other SIL didn't even know it, but she was a life-saver for me as well. When I came to pick up her girls amd bring them to church one evening, out she came with a little meal all packaged up for my family - one of our favorites: white chicken chili and cornbread. And as it so happened, I had no time to prep for dinner the next night so I pulled out her meal, warmed it up, and my family scarfed it down. 🍲🍞
And after the craziness of Thursday and Friday, I woke up in a funk on Saturday. I couldn't pull myself out of it no matter how many pep talks I gave myself. I shot a quick little text to a dear friend of mine and within a couple hours she had called me and got me a gigglin and I was right as rain! 😜
Can I just tell you what a blessing a sisterhood can be? It might be close friends or biological sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins, in-laws, or your mom. Doesn't matter who, but these woman provide a little something that a guy typically doesn't understand. And I think that's okay.
I experience this almost daily: a phone call or a text, a message on Facebook or an invite to a night out. So often, it comes just when I need it! Amazing how God prompts the right people at just the right time!
I know there are times when someone is suddenly on my mind or heart and I feel the need to send them a little encouragement or a something to make them smile. I used to ignore the promptings, thinking the person receiving it would think I was weird or out of the blue in sending it. But I don't anymore. I figure that God has placed them on my heart for a reason, so I better follow his prompting.
You ever have that? A little bit of joy from a good friend just when you needed it? Or someone who stepped in to help just when you thought you couldn't do it on your own?
Thank the Lord for sisters!
it's not perfect
When my dear friends ask me how homeschooling is going these days, I always respond with, "Great!" or "I love it!" or "There are so many blessings we are getting from it."
But one answer you will never hear from me is that homeschooling is going perfect.
Because it's not.
It never does and probably never will.
Homeschooling does a number on a parent's head, let me just tell you. We are not superheroes, by any means. If anything, we are constantly shown our weaknesses day in and day out. We worry that we are missing some important aspects of education or that we are too far behind in our subject matter. We don't get the luxury of just being regarded as teachers. Our children will always look at us as "Mom" which brings a whole lot more whining, moaning, and complaining than what you would get in a classroom.
I raise my voice more than I care to admit. My children get sent to the principal's office at least once a week (i.e. a conference with Dad resulting in some type of discipline and the words, "Quit giving your mom such a hard time!") I struggle to separate my household duties from my educating time because laundry, groceries, dishes, and a dirty house are always staring at me. And every single ideal that I have set from the beginning of the school year, I have fallen behind in (which is why I try to set high standards to begin with!)
I need recesses too. And I don't get enough during the day time. Currently, I am in my room after telling my children that I need a break and don't want to see them for a while. I'm sure they are watching Power Rangers or Pokemon, but I don't care. We can mark that off as Special Interests in our education requirements. (Just kidding - we experience a lot of Special Interests, but in my homeschool world, watching TV shows just doesn't qualify!)
When I say things are going great, I'm not lying. There are times when I step back from the chaos and it is easy for me to see the blessings...but that's a whole other blog post.
So you all can feel free to take me off of any pedestal that you might have considered putting me on. I don't deserve it. Each of us answers the call that God puts on our hearts according to His will and His guidance. Mine just happens to be this crazy, upside-down world of homeschooling.
And even though I usually feel like I'm failing at it, I still love it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
big ears
When I was younger (high schoolish age), my friends would often come to me when they were going through tough or frustrating situations. We would sit and I would listen as they vented their emotions about whatever they were going through: unfair parents, rude classmates, horrible teachers, fights with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
At that point in my life, I didn't have much experience in...well...life! I was a high schooler, for Pete's sake. So I wasn't really able to offer much advice. But I would listen and nod my head when appropriate and say, "Uh-huh," a lot. I didn't think that made me a very good friend until someone told me that it was wonderful that I had such big ears.
I don't have big ears. They're actually quite petite. However, I was a good listener and sometimes that's all a person needs is a good listener, someone with big ears.
Sometimes it just feels good to talk and get it all out of your head. And as you talk, things start to make more sense. And sometimes you need to know that someone sees your side of things, when it seems like everyone else disagrees. Sometimes you just need someone to be there.
Nowadays, I have a bit of experience to glean advice from (most of the gleaning I have done from older and wiser people). However, just because I can speak, doesn't mean I should. And learning the difference between those two things can be tough.
Some of the most difficult times for me have been when I didn't know who to talk to, who to trust with my intimate emotions, who would understand. But I knew that God was always there to listen. I could show Him my anger and frustration, share my disappointments, and express my desires. And He listened every time. And I knew He listened, because when I finished my conversation with Him, I felt the weight of it all lifted from my shoulders.
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares for you.
Monday, October 13, 2014
So we had just finished having pizza with a dear family who we are blessed to have a friends. My little family is piled up in the truck and my daughter asks, " Mom, why do you have to go out every Monday?"
Now almost every Monday I head over to one of my dear friend's houses to hang out for a couple hours. It's nothing crazy. We go under the guise that we watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, but truth be told, I don't think I've ever paid attention to an entire episode. And as of late, there's nothing on the TV when we get together, usually just music. It just kind of got to the point wher we realized that our conversation together was much more valuable than what was on the TV.
So when my daughter asked that question, my initial reaction was: I'm an adult and I don't have to give an account to my 9 year old! But my husband encouraged me to explain.
Here's my excuse, but not my reason: I homeschool. I see my kids all day and then jump right into piano lessons. Sometimes there is soccer practice or Calvary Kids, and there is always dinner to be made. I think I deserve an evening where I can just sit back and relax with my gals.
But here's my reason, and this is what I told my daughter: friendships are important. After God, my husband is my #1 priority, followed quickly by my children. But friendships are valuable too. When I get together with my gals, we laugh and giggle. Tonight there might have even been a few tears. We share, we bond, we relate as only women can do. And this develops friendships that that can be life saving at times. My gals will be there to pick me up, to encourage me, to understand, and to love me unconditionally.
If you are blessed to have those relationships, nurture them.
If not, seek them out. Good friends are life saving.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
I have two kids, a daughter and a son. But they're not really mine. They don't belong to me. They are loaners. I suppose that all sounds a bit calloused until that is read in the light of truth.
My two beautiful children belong to their Heavenly Father. He picked them out specially for us and He gave them both to my husband and me as gifts. But with these two gifts came huge responsibility.
When I view my children with the perspective that their little souls belong to God, I parent them with a completely different attitude. My ultimate goal is to raise these children as God wants me to, not according to what I feel like doing or not doing. I am held accountable not only to my husband and my two kids, but to God Himself.
That might sound a bit intimidating or overwhelming, but there is one great big perk to keeping this truth in mind. We are not doing the parenting alone. God is right there with us, helping us to hold our tongue and keep our voices from yelling. He's helping to guide our decisions in discipline and to help our kids make good choices. He reminds us to keep our selfish desires in check and He doles out extra measures of patience.
Unfortunately, I am still human. Some evenings I look back at the entire day and think it was just a huge failure. But God's got enough grace to cover that and to help me get back at it again the next day. And even on my worst days, I think of how much harder if would be if God were not helping me and I am grateful.
And I'm sure my kids are too!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
(This is going to be a shorty because after last night, I need gobs more sleep).
As a kid, I was taught the hymns in church. That was our primary form of worship. Singing them over and over eventually wove them into my heart.
As I got older, I realized that I really liked poetry. Certain poems would strike me personally and I would commit those words to memory.
In 8th grade, our Bible teacher had us memorize a series of individual verses from the Bible. We had to speak them into a recorder. These were key verses that emphasized the big picture of the Bible.
Now that I'm a little older, I realize that those words are tucked into my soul. When I sing one of the great hymns, the meaning has so much depth because those words have been with me so long. When I hear one of the poems I committed to memory, it strikes such a resounding chord. I memorized the words that meant the most to me. And the scriptures, oh the scriptures! Those key verses are applied daily in my life. They constantly come to mind as I deal with everyday life.
My point? Teach your kids words. Words that you want to stick with them the rest of their life. Repeat those words over and over so that they wear paths through your children's hearts and become familiar friends. Good words, valuable words, words with depth that will speak to them when needed.
(Goodness, I felt like I was writing this to myself! Apparently I need the reminder too. Tomorrow's lesson: memorization!)
such is the life of a mom
I'm writing this at approximately 1:00 a.m. You know why? Because I'm a mom and on this particular night that means no sleep. It also means that I missed out on a night out with my girlfriends. Tomorrow my eye will be twitching and I'll be surviving on copious amounts of caffeine. It won't be pretty, not one little bit...
Seriously, sometimes this is the truth. In my case, most of my adult responsibilities mean being a mom. That alone is overwhelming and immense. I am responsible for 2 little hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. And sometimes, like tonight, that is not fun.
I remember particular stages in my kids life that were tough to go through: the first 2 weeks of their lives, (because, c'mon, learning to parent for the first time is scary!) getting our babies to sleep through the night, potty training (I don't need to say anything else about that), terrible twos (and in our case threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, and into her eights), fighting bedtime, picky eaters, constantly messy rooms...and our oldest is only 9. Lots more stages...
But these are all phases of life, things that are short-lived in the grand scheme of things.
Tonight as I entered into what I knew would be a long night this particular phrase entered my mind as a reminder so I wrote it out:
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
not eye-to-eye
When my husband and I were first married, I found myself getting frustrated when we didn't see eye to eye on matters in our life. How could we disagree on so many things? We got married to each other because we were perfect for each other, right?
Finally, when I expressed this frustration to him he explained that I wouldn't want him to be just like me anyway. It would be like having a clone or a robot who did everything you told it to do. And that would be boring. And in a relationship of any kind, that's just plain impossible.
There are so many things in life to disagree on. Just spend a few moments on Facebook reading people's comments as they vent about what they think is so important. And then they get very upset when someone disagrees with them. Goodness, people; that's life. You will never find one person who agrees 100% with you all of the time.
And that's where grace comes in. Sometimes you just can't understand a person's point of view. Or you completely disagree with their opinion. Having a bit of understanding to know when to keep your mouth shut and the grace to not rub it in their face just how wrong they are - that is a gift! One that not a lot of people exercise.
Just like God, as He looks down at us imperfect little beings. There is not a single one of us who completely understands God and lives exactly how He wants us to live. Yet He has grace for our imperfections and allows us to learn from them. And for me He has double the amount of grace. Sometimes I can't see the big picture He is working on because I am so irritated with the small details He has going on in my life. (I mean seriously, people - He's got me homeschooling...how much more patience do I need to learn?!) (And I hope you can understand the humor here because I do love to homeschool...most of the time...usually...)
Maybe you don't agree with me (which would be the perfect irony here), but I think that we would all get along much better if we each showed that extra measure of grace in our relationships....and on Facebook.
cheesy vegetable chowder
Last night I made soup. Vegetable soup. Ingredients all touching each other and mixed together. It was tasty and delicious amazing soup. And what made it even more amazing: all four of us liked it...a lot!!
I found this through Pinterest many moons ago. It was the first pin on my "food" board. It comes from Lulu the Baker's website. Here is the link if you'd like it directly from her: http://luluthebaker.blogspot.com/2011/09/cheesy-vegetable-chowder.html.
Cheesy Vegetable Chowder
2 Tbs butter
1/2 C chopped onion
1 C finely chopped celery
1 Tbs minced garlic
4 C chicken broth
2 lg baking potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 Tbs flour
1/2 C water
2/3 C milk
2 C chopped broccoli
2 heaping C shredded cheddar cheese
Melt butter in a lg soup pot.
Add onions, carrots, celery and sauté over medium heat until tender.
Add garlic and cook 1-2 mins.
Add chicken broth and potatoes, bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender.
Mix flour with water, add, and simmer until soup is slightly thickened.
Add milk and broccoli and cook until broccoli is just tender.
Stir in cheese, allow to melt, and serve.
almond peach muffins
When fall happens around here, baking happens around here! I made these almond peach muffins yesterday and they ended up being super tasty with a good of melty butter on top (because you all know how much I 💛 butter!)
I can't take any credit for the recipe; it's from a cookbook from the school I grew up in. It was contributed by "Mom Hilvers". So enjoy Mom Hilvers muffins!
(PS - I don't bake healthy, so if you are looking for healthy you probably won't find it here...)
Almond Peach Muffins
1.5 C flour
1 C sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp soda
2 eggs
1/2 C oil
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp almond extract
1.5 C chopped fresh peaches
OR a 16 oz. can, drained
1/2 C chopped almonds
Mix flour, sugar, salt, and soda. Stir in eggs, oil, and extracts just until moistened. Fold in peaches and almonds. Fill muffin tins 3/4 full. Bake at 375 for 20-25 mins.
Enjoy with a big slab of butter!
Monday, October 6, 2014
sleeping wonders
My husband and I agreed that when we had kids, they would sleep in their own beds, not ours, and we would teach them that they didn't need to have a parent lay down with them to fall asleep. This was our personal parenting style, our choice. And with our kids somewhat grown, we still feel that way.
Nowadays they might wake up in the middle of the night and come sleep on our floor or they might have a "slumber party" in one of their rooms. And before they fall asleep, our bedtime routine includes some very important snuggle time.
But sometimes, like tonight, I sneak back into one of their rooms to watch my babies sleep. It is my favorite time of day: watching their beautiful faces in peace...or with their mouths wide open, or drooling, or whatever wacky position they might he in.
Goodness, they are amazing little creatures. Miraculous wonders from God.
During the day, they have their moments. Today was my son's turn to whine at me for most of the day. He turned on his irritating voice and used it. All day. My daughter was somewhat exhausted for the first half of the day from a busy weekend so she played the "poor little old me" role very well. They're not so cute during those moments. Nor do they seem like miraculous little wonders. And sometimes I have to search for the "amazing".
(That's just me being an honest mom right there - I'm sorry if that offends you, but this mom thing is hard work and I know there are plenty of moms, and dads, who struggle like I do. And if you don't struggle in this whole parenting thing, good for you! But... I've got no advice for you.)
Back to sleeping wonders...
Before I tuck myself in, I always check on my kids. I look at their little faces and realize how blessed I am. God hand-picked my son and daughter for me. He uses them to change me. To grow me. To make me into who He wants me to be. My children are His instruments.
And at night when they are asleep, they are quiet and cooperative, beautiful and peaceful little instruments.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
it bears repeating
So, I've blogged about this subject before, but every once in a while we all need a reminder of the valuable and important things in life.
Today at church, my daughter's Sunday school teacher from last year stopped my husband and complimented him on our daughter, telling him what a great kid she was.
Do you know what that does for a parent?! Especially the parents of a strong-willed kid who is somewhat responsible for half of our hair being pulled out?!
I mean, we know she's a great kid. We see it in her. But we also see the side of her will that pushes us to our limits of insanity of parents. There is no joking there. For me personally, I have had a number of times where I have had to walk out of a situation with my daughter because I have felt like my head would explode from all the garbage that she was dishing out to me. (If you've been there, you know. If you haven't been there, please just nod your head in agreement and pretend to sympathize...)
However, it is the HUGEST blessing to a parent to hear how great their kid is from another adult. You know what that means to us? It means that maybe, just maybe we are actually doing something right with her and that there is hope for us to see the fruit of all our exhausting and sometimes frustrating labors.
So, if you have met or spent any time with a great kid, or can find something encouraging to say about a kiddo who might be a struggle, go tell that kid's mom or dad. There's a pretty good chance they need to hear it.
Parents always need an encouraging word. Always.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Every once in a while, I have a bad day, or a bad evening, or even just a couple of bad hours. You know what I do to cheer myself up (if there is no ice cream in the freezer)? I distract myself with funny stuff. We don't get the Sunday comics anymore so I'm grateful for all the funny stuff on Pinterest...although you do have to weed through a lot of garbage to get to the good stuff.
Like this gem:
I mean, c'mon people! It's a cat in a cone with a mustache!
And this ridiculous one:
If you don't know what the "duck face selfie" is, Mona, here is demonstrating it for you.
Oh, and the truth in this one:
Absolutely, Sunshine. Absolutely.
But this little girl is absolutely adorable, even if she's upset about her ride:
I've felt this: someone tries to make you happy but you refuse to give in to the fun!
And this is definitely true of being a mom...
And the best quote I've seen in a long time:
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
I'm quite certain that a better definition of love can not be found:
I have been taught since I was a wee child that Jesus died on the cross for my sin. I knew in my head that this was a good thing. I understood that I needed it. I got the concept. I was saved.
But oh, the day my heart got it! I wept. I was in my early twenties when my friend and I were chatting about this very thing. My heart became overwhelmed with a combination of sorrow and gratitude. The most bittersweet of feelings flowed through my soul. I wept from my innermost.
I was a sinner.
No chance of heaven, the perfect place.
He was perfect.
He took every bit of my sin.
He died on the cross where I should have been.
He died on the cross where I should have been...
He took the punishment that I deserved.
And despite all of my sin and all of yours...
He was more powerful than hell.
He rose from the dead.
He defeated death.
And now when God looks at me,
He sees perfection.
And all I had to do was ask.
Every time I think back on that day and remember the emotions, I am filled again with that same gratitude.
And all because He loves me.
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