Monday, October 20, 2014


Last week was kind of a crazy week for me. Well, more crazy than usual! On top of the regular homeschooling, piano teaching, household junk, and mommy and wifey stuff, I subbed for two days. PE.  And socially, the calendar filled up mighty fast as well, and if you know me at all, you know I try hard not to miss out on a social event (must be a homeschooling mentality). By the time Sunday evening rolled around, I was watching a TV show with my husband with my eyes closed. 😴

Even through the busy-ness, I have to say that I was truly blessed. I have wonderful sisters-in-law. I know not everybody can say that, but mine truly step in as sisters for me, which is especially great for me because I don't have any biological sisters (although my Mom will tell you that I did beg for a younger sibling!) 

Two of my SILs were willing to watch my kids on the days that I was subbing. As it turns out, only one ended up having an open schedule to do so. But let me tell ya, I was ever so grateful that she could step in at the last minute to have them. And, although I knew she was doing me a favor, I loved that she was actually excited to have them over. That warms a mom's heart. 😊

Now my other SIL didn't even know it, but she was a life-saver for me as well. When I came to pick up her girls amd bring them to church one evening, out she came with a little meal all packaged up for my family - one of our favorites: white chicken chili and cornbread. And as it so happened, I had no time to prep for dinner the next night so I pulled out her meal, warmed it up, and my family scarfed it down. 🍲🍞

And after the craziness of Thursday and Friday, I woke up in a funk on Saturday. I couldn't pull myself out of it no matter how many pep talks I gave myself. I shot a quick little text to a dear friend of mine and within a couple hours she had called me and got me a gigglin and I was right as rain! 😜

Can I just tell you what a blessing a sisterhood can be? It might be close friends or biological sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins, in-laws, or your mom. Doesn't matter who, but these woman provide a little something that a guy typically doesn't understand. And I think that's okay. 

I experience this almost daily: a phone call or a text, a message on Facebook or an invite to a night out. So often, it comes just when I need it! Amazing how God prompts the right people at just the right time! 

I know there are times when someone is suddenly on my mind or heart and I feel the need to send them a little encouragement or a something to make them smile. I used to ignore the promptings, thinking the person receiving it would think I was weird or out of the blue in sending it. But I don't anymore. I figure that God has placed them on my heart for a reason, so I better follow his prompting. 

You ever have that? A little bit of joy from a good friend just when you needed it? Or someone who stepped in to help just when you thought you couldn't do it on your own? 

Thank the Lord for sisters!


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