Now almost every Monday I head over to one of my dear friend's houses to hang out for a couple hours. It's nothing crazy. We go under the guise that we watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, but truth be told, I don't think I've ever paid attention to an entire episode. And as of late, there's nothing on the TV when we get together, usually just music. It just kind of got to the point wher we realized that our conversation together was much more valuable than what was on the TV.
So when my daughter asked that question, my initial reaction was: I'm an adult and I don't have to give an account to my 9 year old! But my husband encouraged me to explain.
Here's my excuse, but not my reason: I homeschool. I see my kids all day and then jump right into piano lessons. Sometimes there is soccer practice or Calvary Kids, and there is always dinner to be made. I think I deserve an evening where I can just sit back and relax with my gals.
But here's my reason, and this is what I told my daughter: friendships are important. After God, my husband is my #1 priority, followed quickly by my children. But friendships are valuable too. When I get together with my gals, we laugh and giggle. Tonight there might have even been a few tears. We share, we bond, we relate as only women can do. And this develops friendships that that can be life saving at times. My gals will be there to pick me up, to encourage me, to understand, and to love me unconditionally.
If you are blessed to have those relationships, nurture them.
If not, seek them out. Good friends are life saving.
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