Today at church, my daughter's Sunday school teacher from last year stopped my husband and complimented him on our daughter, telling him what a great kid she was.
Do you know what that does for a parent?! Especially the parents of a strong-willed kid who is somewhat responsible for half of our hair being pulled out?!
I mean, we know she's a great kid. We see it in her. But we also see the side of her will that pushes us to our limits of insanity of parents. There is no joking there. For me personally, I have had a number of times where I have had to walk out of a situation with my daughter because I have felt like my head would explode from all the garbage that she was dishing out to me. (If you've been there, you know. If you haven't been there, please just nod your head in agreement and pretend to sympathize...)
However, it is the HUGEST blessing to a parent to hear how great their kid is from another adult. You know what that means to us? It means that maybe, just maybe we are actually doing something right with her and that there is hope for us to see the fruit of all our exhausting and sometimes frustrating labors.
So, if you have met or spent any time with a great kid, or can find something encouraging to say about a kiddo who might be a struggle, go tell that kid's mom or dad. There's a pretty good chance they need to hear it.
Parents always need an encouraging word. Always.
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