Sunday, December 6, 2015


Over the last few days I've had a few moments of shock as I realized once again that not only am I an adult, but I'm a mom! It's as if I'm transported back to my college years and I'm looking into my future of adulthood and I am not prepared!

You ever have that? Where you're walking around doing adult things and you think maybe you're not ready for that much responsibility, even though you've been doing it for over 10 years?! Not only am I responsible for myself, but for 2 children too! Who thought that was a good idea?! 

I don't know where those strange realizations stem from. Maybe a lack of confidence in my parenting skills. Maybe a disbelief that I could be old enough to have a 10-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son. Maybe it just comes at moments of extreme stress or tiredness when I'd rather be taking a nap but can't because I'm responsible for 2 other living beings that I have to keep alive! 

Fortunately those feelings are usually just there for a split second. Well, the tiredness and disbelief that I'm old enough to have a 10-year-old are always there, but the inability to "adult" leaves rather quickly.

That's because: GOD! 

I know I'm not doing this alone. Even when it is just me and the kids, I'm still never doing the mom thing by myself. As a matter of fact, any time I'm "adulting," I'm never doing it by myself. The stress, the schedules, the driving, working, wife-ing (we're going to call that a word), the mommying: never just me. 

He is with me always, whether I remember that He is or not! He's keeping my kids safe. He's protecting my car. He's guiding my thoughts as a mom. He's making me more conscientious as a wife. He is growing me up. 

He is helping me "adult" even when I feel like eating cereal out of the box while watching a Disney movie. Now I just have kids to do it with.


*this one cracked me up!

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