Friday, December 18, 2015

just ask

Last night I had one of the most beautiful Christmas recitals since I started teaching piano lessons. It was magical! The whole thing took place in my family room and lasted under an hour.

I've been prepping for this thing for nearly 3 days. My husband was on a trip out of town for work so I was also doing the single-mom thing. (I'm giving out some major props right here to the single parents who have to do that for more than 5 days in a row!) 

I thought I was mentally ready to get this thing all together. I'm a strong and capable gal, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Until I started working on it and the to-do list kept growing and growing. And the heavy feeling of overwhelmingness (we're calling that a word today) set in. 

So you know what I did? It was very simple, actually. 

I asked for help. 

And I was overwhelmed in a completely different way. My friends and family stepped in and did whatever I needed. Caffeine delivery, crafty stuff, decorating, moving furniture, cleaning, setting up chairs, just being there. Everything got accomplished, even the items low on the priority list that I figured just wouldn't happen. It was beautiful!

I tend to think I can do everything on my own. It's a bit of an independence streak, I guess. Or stubbornness. Or possibly pride.  Hmmm, probably a bit of all three. I'm not very good at asking for help (and yet I love to help people - it blesses me to no end! Irony.) 

The truth is, I can't do everything on my own. But I often try to and end up stressed and frustrated. I could save myself so much worry and exhaustion simply by asking for help.

You ever think about how much easier life would be if you didn't have so much to do? 
Ever feel overwhelmed with your life, your kids, your emotions?
Maybe you are just plain exhausted. 
All the time. 
Just like me. (When I'm not, it's because of the ample amounts of caffeine - I'm not going to tell you how many Starbucks gift cards I received from my piano students for Christmas...😳)

Simple solution: ask for help. 

There are people, just like me, who are looking for opportunities to help. Believe it or not, we enjoy it! (Unless it involves cleaning the shower. Then I'm not going to enjoy it. We all have our weaknesses. Just sayin'.)

Sometimes your weariness can't be solved by the people around you. But there is a bigger source of help: our Father God. He doesn't even need you to speak words to understand you. Just an emotion-filled sigh is enough. 

You are never without help, friend. 

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