Ok, so we all feel this way about our children. My daughter has the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair with the perfect sprinkling of freckles across her nose, just under her bright blue eyes. That hair gets people's attention and she gets complimented on it regularly.
Tonight I was snuggling with her in bed and I started a conversation with her about physical beauty. Well, apparently I have been doing my job because partway into the conversation I said, "Having people compliment you about your physical beauty is a nice thing, but..." and she finished off my sentence for me: "real beauty comes from the inside, Mom."
My heart burst with pride for a split second - she knows the truth! But we talked and elaborated a bit more, because it is easy to get caught up in outside beauty and forget the inside completely. She's only 10. She has a lot of time to be influenced by this world that distracts from creating a beautiful heart by focusing on a pretty face and body.
Real beauty, in my opinion, can often be seen in someone's eyes. It just shines out of them. (Eyes are the window to the soul, right?)
These people that you find yourself drawn to are kind, friendly, thoughtful, and caring. They have a heart for people. They are generous. They care less about themselves and more about the people around them.
The heart of a person is their most attractive feature.
Teach this to your children, my friends!
But know this for yourself, too.
Your heart makes you beautiful.
Can you imagine how much more beautiful our world would be if we were truly searching for and creating beauty in the right places?!
For God sees not as man sees for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
*I'm aware that I used the word "beauty" in various forms in this blog more than 10 times. I wasn't trying to be redundant, just focused.
Focused on your beautiful beauty! 😁
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