Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas in heaven

I miss him. I know I'm not the only one. Everybody who met him, loved my dad.

Christmas makes loss fresh, whether you lost someone you care about just this year and you have to try and celebrate without him or her for the first time, or if it's been many years and you think of how much more enjoyable it would be with him or her there. Christmas is bittersweet: a time to celebrate while you are desperately missing a loved one.

You ever wonder if there is a Christmas celebration in heaven? A happy birthday party for the One who made it possible for all of those souls to be in heaven? Could you imagine?! Best party ever! I betcha the food is amazing and the cookies aren't fattening. The music is phenomenal because: angel choirs!! And the company - all people you get along with! 

Ok, maybe there isn't a Christmas celebration. But I'm thinking every day is probably a celebration in heaven. And that is the only thing that makes it okay for my Dad to not be here for Christmas. He is somewhere a million times better than earth. He is experiencing the deepest of joys, the most incredible peace, and unfathomable love, all in the presence of his Savior. 

I'd love to celebrate the holidays with my Pa, but I'd never wish him out of heaven to do so. 

I don't have great words of comfort. Loss sucks. It'll always hurt. The holidays will be difficult. 

But I know someday I'll have a great reunion with my Pa in heaven and then we will celebrate together and make up for all the times we missed for so many years. That gives me hope, and a little peace, and something incredible to look forward to. 

The "now" sucks.
But the future's gonna be awesome. 
I can't wait to celebrate Christmas in heaven.


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