You ever look around at what other people have and feel discontent with your own situation? If you answered "no," I'm thinking you might be lying. Somebody's always got it better than you. They have more. They have better. They are faster, smarter, richer, _______________ (you fill in the blank). And here is where struggle #164 meets struggle #163: comparison.
This is an every day issue for me. From how I look to what we own, I'm always searching for contentment. It's hard to focus on just your own blessings and not take note of those around you who have it "better than you."
But do they really?
Or are they "up to their eyeballs in debt?"
Or fighting depression or an anxiety disorder?
Or fighting constantly with their spouse?
Or struggling to be a good parent?
Or maybe they are hiding something else in their closet.
Whatever it may be, chances are that things are not exactly what they seem on the outside!
When my kids start to complain, I strive to turn their perspective around. Instead of seeing what they don't have, I tell them to start listing the things they do have that they can be thankful for. And not just the physical things, but more in depth: they are thankful that they have two parents who love them. They are thankful for a Daddy who works tough hours so he can pay for stuff they have. They are thankful that Jesus died on the cross for them.
When you start to look at the blessings around you, you focus on what you do have instead of what you don't have and that's where contentment starts.
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