Tuesday, November 5, 2013

passing on

A while back I checked back into the CaringBridge site we had created while my Dad was sick.  I came across the post I had written the day he passed away.  I share it tonight because a dear friend of mine lost a family member this week.

I touch on death on this blog once in a while, not to be morbid, but because the death of my Dad changed my perspective, brought it upward, and changed my life. Also, I have many friends who have also lost family members and can relate to this topic.  I know it touches their heart simply because it touches mine so greatly.  

So if death is not something you like to dwell on or even land momentarily upon, I don't blame you for not reading this post.  But maybe someday you will come back to it.


Posted April 10th, 2007:

"Yes, he is in glory! Last night at around 8:15, my Dad passed away from this earth and up in to a glorious welcome in heaven where he received his beautiful heavenly crown. What an experience to witness, or rather to feel. I have never been so excited for someone in my entire life as the tears poured down my face. I pictured his entrance into heaven and it was incredible, amazing, beyond my imagination. He simply took his last breath and his heart stopped, as peaceful as can be. 

I have been preparing to write this entry for a long time, since the first time Dad was in the hospital. I feared writing it. But after experiencing Dad's passing from earth to heaven, I didn't fear it anymore. You see, death doesn't scare me anymore. Death is simply a passing from this world to an amazing heaven where God has specifically prepared a place for each of us who are saved. My niece is quite convinced that Dad has a "fishy" room! That is the first time that has ever been put into perspective for me: He's preparing a room for me. And he is preparing a place for you. And he prepared a place for my Dad. When our ministry here on earth is done, when God has fulfilled His purpose in each one of us, then we will go to be with Him also.
I actually got a little jealous of Dad last night realizing that he is experiencing life beyond our imagination. I want to be there too! I wish I could have seen his arrival, although I think God allowed me a little glimpse of it last night in my finite mind. But until my ministry here on earth is done, I will stay.

Dear friends, I hurt for you. I hurt when I see our friends crying. I hurt for my Mom, for the 2 toothbrushes that I see in her bathroom drawer, for the entire bathroom remodeled with my father's hands. I hurt for my future here on earth, for the experiences that I will have without my Dad around. I hurt for my children who will not get to know their Poppy. But, I don't hurt for Dad anymore. He's not hurting, he's not sorrowing, he's doing his little jig up in heaven. What a wonderful picture."

And this was posted a bit later:

"Well, today marks 3 months since Dad passed away. I wonder where that phrase came from: "pass away." I think I would call it "gone home to a place so wonderfully perfect that our feeble human minds can't even fathom it." So, then, it has been 3 months since Dad went home to a place so wonderfully perfect that our feeble human minds can't even fathom it. There, that sounds just right.
This post was written for those who needed to hear it tonight.  

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