Wednesday, November 13, 2013

the value of time

Time.  Even in little increments, time is a valuable commodity. So I'm trying to be careful about where I spend it.

Last night I finished reading abook to my 5 yr old son while on his bed.  When I was done, he threw an arm around me, as if I were a giant teddy bear.  He didn't want me to leave yet. (Usually we leave the room to let our kids fall asleep on their own.). He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, grinning once in a while.  But I knew he was tired and would be asleep too so I stayed where I was. Two minutes later he was asleep and I was content.  I watched him rest for a bit then slowly lifted his arm to get off of his bed.

Just a few minutes but so valuable.

I try to go out for coffee with my Mom a couple times a month.  I love her - she's a wonderful mom.  Sometimes we can sit and chat for a couple hours, sometimes for forty minutes.  But the topics we cover in that amount of time are important, world changing topics!  Well maybe not world changing, but it is always important conversation.

Just an hour or two but so valuable.

Every once in a while I will have a seemingly unimportant text conversation with one of my nephews.  Random movies quotes, funny inside jokes, a typical quirky Aunt Kathy conversation.  But we are doing so much more than textng about nothing .  We are connecting.

Just a short conversation but so valuable.

And I could come up with a thousand other examples go the value of time but since I can't keep my eyelids open, I will stop at 3 and close with this:

I might be one busy wife and mom, but I am striving to make each moment count .  Because each moment is valuable and I don't want to waste any of it.  


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