Monday, June 16, 2014

humility (augh!)

Ever have one of those days when you feel at the top of your game? Dressed to the T. Every hair in place. Lookin good. You start to feel very confident...too confident. And then you trip over a crack in the sidewalk. 

Boom! Confidence shattered!! 

When I was in high school I went to a competition to play some classical piano piece that I had memorized. (Where those memorizing skills went, I have no idea...I think the kids stole them!)  I played flawlessly up on the stage. I came to the two last magnificent chords and...blanked!! I tried a couple chords but they were terrible. I glanced at my Mom (who was in the audience) to see if she was bringing my music but she hadn't gotten up yet. I quickly stood up, did some curtsy/bow thing and walked mortified off the stage. Mor. Ti. Fied.

My husband and I went to Target when our daughter was around 2 years old. We were going to buy her a little riding toy for the front yard. Something set her off and she started in on some gigantic crying fit. Yes. We were the family that everyone was staring at with the loud, spoiled brat in the store. We carried that stupid toy and annoying child to the register, paid and left. (Before we got to the register, a lady walked by and said encouragingly, "We've all been there!")

And this one, this one happened more times than I'd like to remember: getting my daughter into a car seat with a 5 point harness was like wrestling with a wild, screaming monkey. Arms and legs everywhere. Back arched, chest forward, sliding out of the seat. This child. 😩 I would shove one arm into her chest to push her back while I quickly wrangled an arm into a strap. (There may have been some pinching involved...but I'll admit nothing!) Once everything was buckled, I pulled that strap as tight as it needed, and slammed the truck door. This was usually in a parking lot, usually with an audience. 

I hate having to learn humility. 
It's embarrassing.

But as a Christian, it is such a valuable character trait to posess. 
Verse after verse shows us the importance of humility and being humble.

James 4:6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Proverbs 18:12 Before destruction, the heart of a man is haughty, and before honor is humility.

Proverbs 22:4 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.

And how do we become humble? By being shown our faults and realizing that we are not perfect. 

And sometimes that realization comes through embaressing moments! 😳


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