For the most part, it's tidy around here, downstairs, anyway. Upstairs has a little more of an "enter at your own risk" feel mostly because the kids rooms are up there and so are all my crafting supplies, which, for some reason they really struggle to stay organized.
If it were up to my husband, things might be a little different. But he is so gracious and overlooks our clutter because he loves us and respects that we are all built a little differently when it comes to organization.
But I made an interesting realization today. When I look around my home, I don't see expensive items or things that need to stay perfect. Because that's not who I am. I love the unique, the vintage, the worn in and well loved. I love people with stories to tell, with a rich history. I want an interesting history. I don't need a life that "matches" from beginning to end - I like adventures and taking chances and learning new things. I like to be busy and sometimes get messy.
My house is a reflection of me: imperfect, but it all still works together.
I used to think it stunk to not have the latest and greatest. But nowadays, I like what I see. I see me and the people I love reflected back at me.
I guess God's making a little progress in the contentment part of my heart! (But just a little - I have a long ways to go!)
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