Monday, June 30, 2014

smiles and laughter

I choose to see the good. Actually, I purposely seek out the good. I don't always find it, but I try. 

You know why? Because always seeing the negative would drive me crazy. There would be no reason to smile and no reason to laugh. And smiling and laughing are very important aspects to my life.

There are times in life where I get down. I get in a funk. And you know what? It'd be easy for me to stay there. But I don't. I pull myself together, look for something to smile about and get on with life. That funk might stick around a while, but not as long as if I had succumbed completely to it.  Besides, the more I look for the good, the easier it becomes to find it.

(Little sidebar here: people with clinical depression are in a whole other world than the world I'm talking about - not trying to compare.)

So when I get around people who fail to see the good, I struggle. It has been years since I have been able to relate. I wouldn't survive this life if I did not see hope in every situation. 

Maybe you're thinking that it's easy for me to have this perspective, my life is all honky-dory. I assure you, it's not. I've got my own laundry list of negatives to dwell on. But I choose not to dwell there.  

I know sometimes life stinks, but I believe if you look hard enough, God will reveal a little glimmer of hope. 


Proverbs 17:22  A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


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