Sunday, August 17, 2014

first day of school

Tomorrow is the first day of school for my kids. We start homeschooling. Many people gave asked why we decided to homeschool. I don't mind sharing those details in another post but the gist of it is this: We prayed about it and God answered us.

At the beginning of last school year if you had asked if I would be homeschooling this year, I would have fervently told you no. However, as many of you know, we can lay out excellent plans and God will take one look at them and laugh.

In August or September I remember having a conversation with my husband and told him that God would have to make it abundantly clear, I mean right-in-front-of-my-face obvious. All my concerns and fears would have to be addressed. Many things would have to fall into order before I considered homeschooling. 

I presented that to God and then my husband and I prayed about it over the next few months. 

Amd God is in the habit of answering prayers. He certainly did for us! We made our final decision in February. He covered all our concerns and made everything fall into place for us. He's pretty amazing that way. 

And as I think about tomroow, I have peace. We presented our concerns to God. He answered them. God's confirmation = peace.

So Happy First Day of School, everyone! (I have to get to bed now - I'm the teacher tomorrow!)


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