Wednesday, August 13, 2014

you just don't know

I'm gonna put this picture here so you all can judge my parenting: 
Yep. That's my daughter sleeping on the floor outside my bedroom this evening. 

Now quit judging me. Because you just don't know. (Although I do know that there are a few of you who do know - you live this life regularly with one or more of your children).

Why isn't this child sleeping in her bedroom like every other child is doing right now?
Perhaps I should try a bedtime routine.
Maybe be more consistent.
I could try what The Nanny always did.
Have I ever thought of letting her listen to music to fall asleep to?
Perhaps if I read to her before she fell asleep...

Let me just tell you, my husband and I have tried it all! For the past six years we have done everything we could think of to make bedtime happen without a battle, except alcohol. Hmmmm... (Just kidding - with our luck, alcohol would make her hyper!) 

We hate bedtime. We dread it. You all get to snuggle your dearies, read them a story, kiss them good-night and turn out the light. And then you don't hear from them until the morning. That is so sweet... That has never been our experience with this strawberry blonde of ours (although our son is pretty much the bedtime angel which proves to us that we aren't the worst parents in the world).

(Just something to keep in mind: we are very well aware that our daughter has a strong-will and likes to be in control. We have done a lot of research to rule out other issues and have witnessed this desire for control in her. For example, one evening she told us she would go right to sleep if we would do something special for her the next day. 5 minutes later, she was out. Twerp.)

So without rehashing the whole story of why my daughter is sleeping on the floor outside my room, the short story is this: she desperately needed sleep and that was more important than fighting her to have her in her own bed. 

I tell you that story to make this point: be careful how you judge other moms and dads out there. I know there are some really terrible parents out there. Go ahead: judge them. But there are some of us who are doing our best to raise the gifts that God has given us. And sometimes our techniques don't mesh well with other people's parenting ideals. But we know our children and we are trying to make the wisest decisions in raising them.

Meanwhile, I'm just gonna try not to step on my amazing little gift when I go to bed.


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