Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I saw this on Pinterest the other day. Truth, I tell ya: TRUTH!!

When I look back on the difficult things I have had to go through in my life up to this point, I can honestly say I have become a better person because of each stinkin' thing. Maybe I haven't reached the level of ✨awesome✨ yet...but I'm working myself in that direction.

No, I take that back. I am not making myself a better person. God is. He sees every hardship that I stumble upon and thinks to Himself: "Hmmm, let's see what beauty I can make out of this!" (Ok, I don't honestly know if God "thinks to Himself" - I was taking creative liberties to make my point). 

I have come a long way from the nervous, insecure, shy, anxiety-ridden, couldn't-get-3-words-out-of-me teenage girl to the gal I am today! Just ask anybody who has spent more than 5 minutes with me these days - I don't think "shy" would ever cross their minds to describe my personality. 

But the only way that I could become that gal was by going through the tough stuff. And by relying on God to get me through it all. He and I have shared many a conversation in the midst of sickness, exhaustion, frustration, disappointment, death, and despair. He's always there. 

And you know what He's doing? He's refining. He is allowing me to walk through fire to get the impurities out so that I can be that much closer to ✨awesome✨.  

Some days, though, when something tough comes my way, I just wanna say, "Good grief, God - aren't I ✨awesome✨ enough already?!"


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