Friday, August 1, 2014

growing up

I had a conversation with a friend this morning. (I'll admit, many of my blog post ideas come from conversations with the amazing people I know). We chatted about birthdays a bit. Because, well, today (which is now yesterday) was my birthday. 

Each year as I anticipate turning a year older on my birthday, I wonder how I'm going to react to it. I worried that I might be sad to say good-bye to my 20s when I turned 30. And every year after 30, I worried that I would be sad moving further and further from my youth. 

It turns out that I'm not the type of gal who hates getting older. That kinda surprised me. As every birthday has occurred, I have embraced that year, that age. You know why? Because I earned it! I made it through an entire year of being me: of growing, maturing (sorta), fighting through tough days, and enjoying the awesome days. 

I look back at the 365 days that made up last year for me. God was working on me all year (but let me just tell you, He has a long way to go with me. Believe me, I know!) And what that means for me is that this coming year has great potential for the same. He's going to work on me. I'm going to grow and mature (sorta) and become an even better me than I already am. 

Imagine the adventures to be had. The memories that will be made. The challenges that I will overcome. The amazing stories that I will be able to tell. It makes me excited to have a birthday. It's not really about the gifts or the party any more (although I do enjoy both of those!) It's more about what the next year holds for me.

Sheesh. That perspective makes me sound like I'm growing up or something! I'm not sure I'm ready to be grown up...


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