Saturday, May 24, 2014


You ever know someone so amazing that you wonder why they would want to be your friend? 

When I was in 5th grade, I met that person. After years of being a shy little loner, someone actually wanted to be my friend. (To this day I'm not sure why she sought me out but she changed my life by doing so.)

As I look back through the years we have had together, I see so many instances that revealed her maturity and wisdom that far surpassed me. Even when I was a pain in the butt she handled me with grace. She made choices and set examples that I have looked to my entire life so far. Her words have been pressed into my heart, even when she didn't know she was doing so. She shaped me and is still doing so to this day.

She met a married a man who lives on the same page she does. I watch them together make sacrifices that I doubt anyone else has the capability to do so. I know I don't. It would be easy to feel inferior but their humility makes that impossible. They never cease to amaze.

Today is her birthday. There is nothing I can do or buy to show her how much she means to me. But I am trying to pay it forward. You see my daughter is not like "shy little me". She is outgoing and friendly and likes people. My desire is for her to be what Sarah was to me. A lifesaver. So I encourage her to reach out to anyone who needs a friend. And not to judge any book by its cover. I don't expect that she will always make the right choice, but it is my hope that she might be an encourager and maybe make the difference in another child's life. 

My life was forever changed by my Sarah. And it still is through her example on a daily basis.


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