When I was a kid I was taught that God always answers prayers. Not always in the way that you want Him to, but He always answers them. Here was the mental picture that some awesome teacher gave me that stuck:
Sometimes He gives the green light: Go! His answer is yes.
Sometimes He gives the red light: Stop! This means His answer is no.
Sometimes He gives the yellow light: Wait! This means His answer is, well... wait! Sometimes the timing isn't right. He does things in God time, not human time, because God time is right on. It's perfect.
As I have grown up, somewhat, I have had more light (ha! ha! didn't even mean to use that there!) shed on this whole "answering prayers" thing. How do you know what His answer is? He doesn't (usually) write it on the wall for us. It's not always obvious when you look up scripture to point you in the right direction either. And sometimes the wisest, godliest people don't have a good answer for you either.
When I am faced with a major decision, the way that is His way gives me peace. It might not be the easiest way. It might not even be the direction I prefer to go. There might be some major roadblocks. But if I have presented it to God and have been given His peace, it is the right decision.
And one last thing: my dear friend shared this insight with me some time back (not even sure if she remembers it!) She told me that sometimes when you ask God if you should go right or left and He doesn't give you a clear answer, perhaps it's because He is telling you that both ways are good and He will bless you whichever direction you choose to go.
As I read back through this post I realize that I have truly been blessed to have people share their godly wisdom and insights with me. They have helped shape me and form me into who I am today. Blessed, I tell ya!